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18 posts tagged with "Beta"

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Multi-step functions

Colin D'Souza
Colin D'Souza
Software Engineer
Eitan Simler
Software Engineer

Multi-step functions are now available as a public beta in Retool Workflows on Retool Cloud and on self-hosted organizations. They operate as self-contained workflows with optional parameters.

Multi-step functions improve the Workflows experience in several key areas:

  • Isolating complex operations with many steps.
  • Enabling nested looping, replacing the need for multiple subsequent Loop blocks operating on the same piece of data.
  • Eliminating the need to call a workflow from within another, therefore decreasing the number of billable workflow runs.
  • Enabling builders to reuse blocks of code within a single workflow.

Existing users of functions can continue using their functions as normal. Functions that were created previous to this release are now treated as single-step functions.

Copy queries across multipage apps

Eric Hsu
Software Engineer

You can now copy a query from one multipage app and paste it into another. Right-click on a query and select Copy then navigate or switch to a tab with another multipage app. You can paste the copied query as either a globally scoped or page-scoped query by right-clicking in the Code panel.

Amazon SQS integration

Himanshu Bhandoh
Software Engineer

Retool now supports Amazon SQS. You can use the Amazon SQS integration in Retool Apps and Retool Workflows to send, receive, and delete messages from a queue. This integration enables you to respond to events as they occur, triggering changes and actions in your workflows or apps.

Kafka integration

Himanshu Bhandoh
Software Engineer

Retool now supports Apache Kafka. You can use the Kafka integration in apps and workflows to produce, consume, or commit messages to a topic. This integration enables you to respond to events as they occur, triggering changes and actions in your workflows or apps.

Multipage apps beta

Zhengming Wang
Software Engineer

Multipage apps contain pages to combine functionality and use cases. Standard Retool apps operate as single-page applications where all code and components is continually evaluated. Multipage apps are also supported by Retool Mobile where each screen functions as a separate page.

With multipage apps, Retool only evaluates the code and components of the page currently in view. The benefits of multipage apps include:

  • Greater performance of large and complex apps. Since Retool only evaluates code and components for the current page, multipage apps are 30-40% faster than a single-page app.
  • Seamless navigation between pages. Retool loads the complete app state whenever a user navigates to a single-page app. With multipage apps, navigation between pages is seamless and more responsive.
  • Improved app management. Multipage apps can replace multiple apps in your organization, such as a team's frequently used apps. This reduces the number of apps to maintain and allows for easier permission management.
  • Reduced module dependency. Modules are commonly used to create shared navigation menus across multiple single-page apps. With multipage apps, you can eliminate the need for additional modules and the complexities with maintaining them.

Each multipage app uses global and page scopes to separate pages. Globally scoped code, and Header and Sidebar frames, are available for use across every page, while each page has its own page-scoped code and components.

You can request access to the multipage app beta and explore the docs to learn more.

Early access to WidgetGrid for faster app building interactions

Ryan Pearl
Ryan Pearl
Software Engineer

Retool is currently working on a new layout architecture, WidgetGrid, that significantly improves the performance of the canvas. Placement and arrangement of components, such as dragging to reposition, is up to 50% more responsive.

Enable or disable WidgetGrid from the status bar.

WidgetGrid is currently rolling out to cloud-hosted organizations as an opt-in beta and will be available in the next Edge release of self-hosted Retool. You can enable WidgetGrid from the status bar when viewing or editing an app. You can disable WidgetGrid at any time and provide feedback about any issues you experienced.

Send errors from apps to observability providers

Caitlyn Chen
Caitlyn Chen
Software Engineer

You can now connect your organizations to Sentry or Datadog for error monitoring. App errors will be reported with a callstack and descriptive tags when viewing and interacting with an app in preview or public (end-user) mode.

Organize apps with subfolders

Antony Bello
Antony Bello
Product Manager

Subfolder organization of apps is now available as a public beta. You can create nested folders for more granular organization and permissions of Retool apps.

Organization admins can enable or disable subfolders in the Advanced settings section of the organization settings page.

Custom product pages

Luke Wright
Software Engineer

Custom product pages allow organizations on the Business plan and above to replace Retool's login, reset password, signup, and invitation claims pages with custom Retool web apps.

This feature is currently an early access beta. Contact your account manager or reach out to request access.