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Updates, changes, and improvements at Retool.

201 posts tagged with "Retool Cloud"

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Cloud-hosted Retool 3.30

Cloud-hosted Retool has been updated with the following changes. These changes will also be available in a future release of Self-hosted Retool.


  • Added style properties for the Top Bar icon in the IFrame component.
  • Added a Checked Border style property to Switch, Checkbox, and Radio Group components.
  • Added the Grayscale style option to the Image component.
  • Added the Button Group component.
  • Added active and hover link style properties for Link, Toggle Link, and Link List components.
  • Added visibility of Hover Background color style properties for the Tabs component.
  • Added the option to use Automatic colors for the Avatar Group component background color.


  • Fixed an issue with the background color of the Navigation component.
  • Fixed an issue with resource deletion.
  • Fixed an issue with editing cells of a Table component with expandable rows that may result in rendering content in the wrong place.
  • Fixed an issue with the Number Input component where a validation message may appear before the user inputs a value.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause some icons to use an incorrect color.
  • Fixed an issue where sorting some datetime values in the Table component may not work.


  • Removed unnecessary headers from requests.

Cloud-hosted Retool 3.29

Cloud-hosted Retool has been updated with the following changes. These changes will also be available in a future release of Self-hosted Retool.


  • Added support for Google Service Account authentication to REST API resources.
  • Added a dynamic option to the Require confirmation setting of queries.
  • Added audit logs for Source Control settings.
  • Added a new List View component.
  • Added a Border Radius style option for the Dropdown Button component.
  • Added an option to globally set the duration of query notifications.


  • Fixed an issue with frames when used inside a module.
  • Fixed an issue with app navigation using shortlinks with query and hash parameters.
  • Fixed an issue with component canvas labels in the IDE.
  • Fixed an issue where the Chart component would crash if Value labels was set to be anything except a string or array.
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in incorrect background colors when editing Table component cells.
  • Fixed an issue where newly created custom app themes would not update until refreshed.


  • Legacy components appear at the end of the list in the component picker.
  • Improved the appearance of web components.
  • Default query notifications now only show in the IDE and not when viewing an app.

Cloud-hosted Retool 3.27

Cloud-hosted Retool has been updated with the following changes. These changes will also be available in a future release of Self-hosted Retool.


  • Added the Reset to default theme option to the App Theme settings.
  • Added a warning message when attempting to use translation tools to translate the content of Retool apps.
  • Added _tool helper methods.
  • Added support for Retool Storage to other environments.
  • Added a deselect option to the Table component's editable tag column.
  • Added a custom width option to the Drawer frame.


  • Fixed an issue with app frames within modules.
  • Fixed an issue with OAuth 2.0 callback URLs.
  • Fixed an issue where nested items may not evaluate properly.
  • Fixed an issue where Table component cells may display an incorrect background color during editing.
  • Fixed an issue where nested containers in modules didn't show borders.
  • Fixed an issue where changeset and save actions were not exposed for tables with only editable dynamic columns.
  • Fixed an issue with the Link to Table option for Filter components within modules.
  • Fixed an issue with the Reorderable List component where renderedValue would immediately update when reordered.
  • Fixed an issue with the Chart component where selectedData may not work when using JSON to define chart metadata.
  • Fixed an issue where dynamic column text color may not always work.
  • Fixed an issue where {{theme}} may not correctly reflect organization-defined default themes.

Cloud-hosted Retool 3.26

Cloud-hosted Retool has been updated with the following changes. These changes will also be available in a future release of Self-hosted Retool.


  • Added support for custom widths to the Drawer frame in the IDE.
  • Added the option to configure a security contact for your organization for incident-related notifications.
  • Added the option to rename frames in the IDE.
  • Added the option to download app JSON with existing query data in Debug Tools.
  • Added all available frames to the State tab in the IDE.


  • Fixed an issue with the Styles color picker.
  • Fixed an issue with the Table component where Changeset and Save actions were not available if the table only contained editable dynamic columns.
  • Fixed an issue with the Key Value component where it did not properly respect saved property order.
  • Fixed an issue with the IDE where the App settings did not properly appear.
  • Fixed an issue with the IDE where the Edit button would not always appear in the query editor for the selected resource.
  • Fixed an issue where Visual Studio Code on Windows could not always save changes.
  • Fixed an issue with the performance of the Styles editor inputs when attempting to use {{ }} expressions.
  • Fixed an issue where the Styles editor may produce unexpected errors.
  • Fixed an issue with the styling of Date Range and Date Time components.
  • Fixed an issue with the Key Value component where dynamic values would not work when using custom formatting.
  • Fixed an issue where downloaded Word and Excel files would be corrupted.
  • Fixed an issue with the Container component where the ShowBorder property would not support dynamic values.
  • Fixed an issue where editing cells in nested tables would collapse the parent row.
  • Fixed an issue with the Sidebar frame layout.

Cloud-hosted Retool 3.25

Cloud-hosted Retool has been updated with the following changes. These changes will also be available in a future release of Self-hosted Retool.


  • Added an option to specify group mappings in SAML SSO settings.


  • Fixed an issue where Google SSO was not available to some cloud-hosted organizations.
  • Fixed an issue where getSAMLAndLDAPConstants was not using the default value for samlGroupsAttribute.

Cloud-hosted Retool 3.24

Cloud-hosted Retool has been updated with the following changes. These changes will also be available in a future release of Self-hosted Retool.


  • Added instanceView as an exposed property in the List View component.


  • Fixed an interaction with collapse empty rows that would not work in repeated containers within the List View component.
  • Fixed components that use ChevronScrollable that would not scroll correctly.
  • Fixed positioning of Modal.


  • URL query parameters retain their original sorting and no longer sorted alphabetically.

Cloud-hosted Retool 3.23

Cloud-hosted Retool has been updated with the following changes. These changes will also be available in a future release of Self-hosted Retool.


  • Added the option to upgrade to annual pricing for organizations on Team or Business plans.
  • Added a Close when pressing Escape option to Modal and Drawer frames.
  • Added a global helper function for swapping items in an array.
  • Added Padding options to the Segmented Control component.


  • Fixed the height of Select components without a placeholder and when search is disabled.
  • Fixed event handlers being incorrectly removed when upgrading a deprecated component.
  • Fixed the resource authentication prompt occasionally not appearing for some users.


  • Improved the prominence of query warning messages.

Cloud-hosted Retool 3.22

Cloud-hosted Retool has been updated with the following changes. These changes will also be available in a future release of Self-hosted Retool.


  • Added LDAP_SERVER_CERTIFICATE and LDAP_SERVER_KEY to the list of all secret environment variables that can be loaded from the file system with RETOOL_LOAD_FILE_SECRETS.
  • Added keyboard navigation to the Table component summary row.
  • Added padding controls to Drawer and Modal frames.
  • Added color options to component label captions.
  • Added Show and Hide event handlers for Drawer frames and Modal frames.


  • Fixed GitHub commit actions in Source Control.
  • Fixed resource permissions in embedded apps.
  • Fixed Ask AI actions that may not stream data correctly.
  • Fixed resources that may not prompt users to reauthenticate.
  • Fixed custom links to embedded apps that may not load correctly when using a custom domain.
  • Fixed style menu swatches to match parent container nested styles.
  • Fixed nested styles with theme references.
  • Fixed unexpected behavior in the code editor when working with nameless resources.
  • Fixed a performance issue when typing quickly in a Styles editor.
  • Fixed the default height of web components.
  • Fixed style editor values that may unexpectedly reset.
  • Fixed data updates to Table components with multi-row selection enabled that may not update selectedSourceRows.


  • Allow Table components with expandable rows to be represented in Toolscript.
  • Improved the tooltip editor for Table component cells.


  • Removed the list of users from API/user responses if the current user does not have access.

Cloud-hosted Retool 3.21

Cloud-hosted Retool has been updated with the following changes. These changes will also be available in a future release of Self-hosted Retool.


  • Added support for Retool Storage to public apps.
  • Added an Add component option to the canvas context menu.
  • Added support for hovering and copying text from cell tooltips in the Table component.
  • Added support for config vars in custom auth JS.
  • Added an option to customize the true and false icons for Table boolean columns.
  • Added Modal frames to apps.
  • Added editable dynamic columns to the Table component.
  • Added option to always show row selection checkboxes when a Table component is in multi-row selection mode.
  • Added temperature setting to AI Action queries.


  • Fixed Code editor crashes when selecting nameless resources.
  • Fixed a broken link in the Theme tutorial.
  • Fixed an issue with resource permissions.
  • Fixed an issue with the Styles menu color picker where it would fail to respond.
  • Fixed text color for frames on themes where the canvas color and primary surface color are highly contrasting.
  • Fixed an issue where Excel exports would prepend ' to negative percent values.
  • Fixed an issue where autocomplete in a Table component's event handlers settings didn't include some additional scope.
  • Fixed an issue where some empty Table Tag cells would not show a placeholder when editable.
  • Fixed an issue where the Open App event handler was not aware of custom scope provided by Table or Dropdown Button components.
  • Fixed an issue where the Table component's search term property was ignored on mount.
  • Fixed an issue where newline characters were ignored in the Table component's Multiline String format.
  • Fixed an issue where checkboxes in expanded rows would not work without a configured primary key.
  • Fixed missing URL hash parameters in some instances on protected branches.
  • Fixed an error boundary in debug tools caused by switching themes.
  • Fix commit timeouts on large apps.
  • Fixed issue where config variables were not updated in OAuth settings.
  • Fixed an issue where data updates to a Table component in multi-row selection mode would not update selectedSourceRows.
  • Fixed an issue where the Table component's editable avatar and tags columns would fail to load if there were many options.


  • Improved date parsing to support seconds-based unix timestamps.
  • Reduced latency of source control branch deletion endpoint by 80%.


  • Updated the design of inputs in the Theme editor.
  • Secondary and tertiary colors in the Theme editor can now be empty.
  • Exposed {{ theme.borderRadius }} to apps.
  • Changed the Retool Database connection string modal UI.

Custom URLs for web apps

You can create custom URLs for web apps to make them more discoverable and easier to share with end users. With a custom URL set, end users can access apps at {domain}/app/{custom-url} or {domain}/p/{custom-url} if it's a public app.