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Updates, changes, and improvements at Retool.

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Updates to the Retool Apps landing page

Neha Gupta
Software Engineer

Retool updated the layout of the Retool Apps landing page to reduce clutter and make it easier to find the apps you need. The updated organziation includes the following tabs:

  • Recent: The most recent 50 apps that you visited. The Viewed by me column shows the last time you opened the app, and the Location column shows you where the app is located.
  • Published: All items that you have access to within your organization. Use the dropdown to filter by Apps, Folders, Modules, and Protected.
  • Starred: The apps and folders that you starred.
  • Trash: The apps and folders in your organization that were deleted.

New version of the Cascader component

Jynnie Tang
Software Engineer
Matt Bosherz
Matt Bosherz
Software Engineer

A new and improved version of the Cascader component is now available on Retool Cloud and for self-hosted organizations. Retool recommends using the new component, and the legacy version will be deprecated. You can click Upgrade in the Inspector of an existing Cascader component to use the new version.

The new Cascader features:

  • The ability to manually add an option list or dynamically map one to existing data.
  • A new dropdown look, similar to the Select component.
  • New label options (customizeable caption, color, icon).
  • Options now support numeric values in addition to string values.

Some additional changes in this version include:

  • The value of the new Cascader component is the value of the selected option. A new valuePath property enables you to have access to the path of values leading to the selected option.
  • Option values must be unique.
  • Like other modern Retool components, values for options need to be unique. If you use the one-click upgrade for Cascaders, duplicate values will have parent values appended to make them unique.
  • Like Checkbox Group and Navigation, the data source is expected to be an array of objects with a property that points to its parent. Cascader nests options by parent value.

Improvements to the Checkbox Tree component

Justin Chen
Software Engineer

A new and improved version of the Checkbox Tree component is now available on Retool Cloud and for self-hosted organizations.

The new Checkbox Tree features:

  • The ability to use manual or mapped option lists.
  • Validation rules.
  • Captions, tooltips, and other customization options.
  • Support for infinite nesting.

New chart components

Francis Chalissery
Software Engineer

Retool now supports 15 preset chart components, eliminating the need to manually write Plotly JSON for basic chart types. This change enables users to more easily create and customize chart and graphs in their apps.

Features of the new chart components include:

  • Support for multiple data sources in series-based charts.
  • Data grouping and aggregation.
  • Customizeable titles, legends, labels, and toolbars.
  • Configurable user interactivity.
  • Advanced use cases using the Plotly JSON Chart.

Updated organization and app theming

McKenna Galvin
McKenna Galvin
Software Engineer

An updated Theming experience is now available. Users on the Business and Enterprise plans can now see a revamped organization-level theme editing experience with expanded functionality, including:

  • The ability to create custom color, typography, and metric tokens for use in the theme editor and app component styles.
  • The ability to create multiple modes within a theme and switch between modes in an app using theme.setMode().
  • The ability to configure default styles for individual components, as well as bulk edit shared styles for multiple components at once.
  • Expanded typography controls—including the ability to configure multiple fonts in a theme using a CSS import or Google Fonts, set a default font family, and control font family and font weight for headings.

Organization-level theme editor.

For users on all plans:

  • Component-level font weight and font family style controls.
  • A refreshed app-level theme experience with expanded typography controls.
  • An updated component style editing experience.