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Updates, changes, and improvements at Retool.

6 posts tagged with "Source Control"

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Improvements to Source Control for workflows

Shivani Kishnani
Software Engineer

Retool made several improvements to the usage of Source Control with Retool Workflows. The following features are now supported on Enterprise plans:

  • Branched changes. You can now make changes to workflows using branches. Previously, all Source Control changes on workflows were branchless.
  • Multi-element branching. You can make edits to workflows on the same branch as edits to apps, modules, and Query Library queries.
  • Collaborative branches. Multiple users can commit changes and merge pull requests on collaborative branches.

This change is currently rolling out on Retool Cloud and is available in private beta for self-hosted organizations.

Test deployments for Source Control

Shannon Largman
Shannon Largman
Software Engineer

You can now test deployments when using Source Control, preventing changes that leave your Retool instance in a broken state. Retool added the Test source control changes endpoint to the Retool API, which enables you to test whether implementing a change will result in deployment issues.

You can also incorporate this check into your continuous integration process if desired.

Protect themes with Source Control

Brenna Chen
Software Engineer

Enterprise users can now protect organization-level themes using Source Control. This enables you to safely replicate organization-level theme configurations across multiple instances of Retool. You can use protected themes with any of Retool's supported source control management (SCM) providers.

Branching is not supported for themes. You can merge changes into the remote repository, but you can't create a branch for themes using Source Control.

Source Control collaborative branches

Xiang Li
Software Engineer

You can now enable collaborators on Source Control branches. Source Control branches are private by default and only allow changes by the owner. On collaborative branches, multiple users can commit changes and submit pull requests to protected elements.