Added support for SSH for MySQL Resources with Dynamic Overrides
Improved styling of the editor
Fixed a bug where HTML cells in Table with overflow would not properly wrap
Improved hover states on the Retool org homepage
Fixed renaming in the code sidebar to prevent collisions
Added automatic opening of code folders whose children become selected
Added functionality to import from connection strings for PostgreSQL
Fixed a few issues with Table's selectedCell property: selectedCell is now correct when rows are sorted, selectedCell will no longer double-update, only one selected cell will be displayed at a time
Fixed panel resizeability when left and bottom panels are closed
Added component icons to the right-panel inspector header
Fixed a bug causing number string form data keys to generate array form data
Updated the default option order for a control component for a modal
Fixed default folder name from 'untitledfolder#' to 'folder_#'
Fixed an issue where components may have been visually omitted from the Explorer
Fixed a bug where Table's empty message would break Table when set to an object
Removed the number of errors from Debug Tools in the status bar
Added ability to use certain editor/presentation shortcuts while an input field is active
Fixed a bug where apps using a BigQuery resource configured with Service Account authentication would prompt users to authenticate