Retool "2.113"
- Added BitBucket configuration options to Source Control settings.
- Added columns to the Workflows tab to display more information.
- Added connection testing and debugging when configuring Firebase resources.
- Added link to first-party documentation in the query editor when using a Stripe resource.
- Added option to resize Code blocks in Retool Workflows.
- Added status bar options to select an environment, and browse or revert the history of queries in the Query Library.
- Added the Code block in Retool Workflows to separate code execution and resource queries. Query blocks are now Resource query blocks.
- Added the Smart block in Retool Workflows to interact with ChatGPT.
- Added the Response block in Retool Workflows to send webhook event responses.
- Fixed an issue in Retool Mobile where the clearValue() and resetValue() methods for the Image Input component would not function correctly.
- Fixed an issue where apps would redirect and load multiple times under certain conditions when using the latest runtime.
- Fixed an issue where branding headers would overlap app content.
- Fixed an issue where certain JavaScript utility methods would not function correctly in Safari.
- Fixed an issue where custom CSS would not function correctly when using the latest runtime.
- Fixed an issue where Debug Tools would not function correctly when using the latest runtime.
- Fixed an issue where OpenAPI queries would not run if they contained an expression with double quotes.
- Fixed an issue where preloaded JavaScript would not function correctly when using the latest runtime.
- Fixed an issue where Query Library queries would not display the apps in which they're used.
- Fixed an issue where Source Control using AWS CodeCommit would not create commits with more than 100 files.
- Fixed an issue where the query editor would not function correctly if a selected endpoint path contained a comma.
- Fixed an issue where the State tab in the App editor would not display parsedValue for File Input and similar components.
- Fixed an issue where the Tabbed Container component would not function correctly when under certain conditions using the latest runtime.
- Fixed an issue where the Table component would incorrectly sort numbers if cells contained null values.
- Improved autolayout of workflows in Retool Workflow.
- Improved behavior of REST API resources configured with shared credentials to match other resources.
- Improved block note editing in Retool Workflow.
- Improved debugging information for Redis resources.
- Improved JavaScript linting to identify unnecessary use of
{{ }}
- Improved Source Control to automatically create pull requests when unprotecting an app or resource.
- Improved the information in the onboarding workflow in Retool Workflows.
- Improved undo behavior when using the latest runtime.