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Updates, changes, and improvements at Retool.

Retool 2.32.49

UX Improvements

  • Reorder columns by dragging on the headers of the Table

Screen Recording 2019-01-11 at 09.10 PM.gif

  • The column option editor is more compact and significantly easier to use Screen Recording 2019-01-11 at 09.07 PM.gif

  • We've added a new way to scroll through the list of queries you've made Screen Recording 2019-01-11 at 09.19 PM.gif

Filter and search through Audit Logs

  • Search and filter through the events by page, query, and date in your Audit Logs

Screen Recording 2019-01-11 at 09.25 PM.gif

  • Coming soon: advanced filters by users, query properties, and more.

Free Table refresh and download buttons

  • Tables now come with a refresh button for free! Use it to reload the query that the Table it's connected to.
  • It also comes with a download button that exports the data as a csv file. Screen Recording 2019-01-11 at 09.43 PM.gif

Image component

  • To embed images into Retool, just use the Image component
  • The button is also clickable; you configure it run queries, open other pages, just like a button!

Screen Shot 2019-01-11 at 9.22.33 PM.png

Autocomplete Dropdowns

  • There's now a .searchValue property on dropdowns that allow you to get the currently searched for term.
  • This allows you creating autocomplete searchboxes. See below for an example of it in action!


Small, but notable features

  • Retool now allows sharing Salesforce credentials between users.
  • Tables will now auto-infer data types by default, so dates, numbers, and objects are rendered nicely to start off!
  • Reorderable Lists now have a "labels" property, letting users now reorder lists of data with more human-friendly text in the list.
  • Allow queries to delaying post-query run triggers. This is useful with datasources like Elasticsearch, or database connections to replicas that might have a small delay in propagation, as the delay lets the datasource catch up with a recent mutation made to the data.
  • Retool now supports APIs that make use of the double-cookie submit pattern to protect against CSRF attacks.
  • We've made it easier to find the search box for your apps to the home page, or use Ctrl+K or Command+K to open up the search!

Misc new features

  • The Modal component can now be optionally configured to close when clicking outside the modal.
  • The Timeline component can be configured to render its values as HTML. Screen Shot 2019-01-11 at 9.32.26 PM.png
  • The default timeout on MSSQL queries has been increased to 10 minutes.