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Updates, changes, and improvements at Retool.

Retool 2.60.1

Custom keyboard shortcuts

You can now add custom keyboard shortcuts to your apps! If you find yourself clicking the same button over and over again, or if you want to run a mini JS query on keystroke, you can now automate those actions with shortcuts.

Default table shortcuts

While you can define custom shortcuts for any component, we also added some default hotkeys for the table. When you click on a table, you can use the keyboard to travel between rows in that table — to go up and down, you can use:

  • Up/Down arrow keys
  • J/K for our Vim experts
  • Ctrl-P/Ctrl-N for our Emacs fans

Expand and minimize the query editor

We’ve all wanted a little more room to write our longer queries. You can now expand the query editor to (almost!) fill your screen.

A long tail of other improvements


  • Added a focus() method for Text Input components in Javascript queries
  • Added the ability to disable Button components for a specified time time after click
  • Added the ability to set times using the local time zone on the Date Time Picker and the Date Range Picker components. For example, with local timezones enabled in EST, the component interprets choosing 5PM as 5PM EST, as opposed to 5PM in UTC converted to 1PM EST.
  • Added class names to input validation icons to allow overriding with custom CSS
  • Added the ability to search users in the Settings → Users page
  • Added toggle to allow popups to escape the sandbox for custom components
  • Added the ability to right align table columns
  • Fixed a bug where passing JSON to column settings in tables would crash the table


  • Added the ability to configure instance names for MSSQL resources
  • Added the ability to set application intent to “read only” for MSSQL resources


  • Significant performance improvements when loading apps and using apps when queries are running
  • Performance improvements for navigating the user permissions page

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where text inputs did not expand to their full height when labels were positioned to the left
  • Fixed a bug where tabbing between component settings did not work as expected
  • Fixed a bug where Text Input components did not blur properly on ESC
  • Fixed a bug where you could not leave the staging environment in Presentation mode
  • Fixed an issue where edits to resource settings were not being saved
  • Fixed an issue where placeholders for Parent Window queries were not set correctly
  • Fixed an issue where searching for actions in Firebase queries did not show the right results
  • Fixed an issue where clicking Rich Text Editor components didn’t save correctly on blur
  • Fixed a bug where you could not select the time on the Date Picker component if min or max values were set
  • Fixed a few overflow bugs on user access control settings
  • Fixed a bug where not all pages were fetched from DynamoDB tables when there were more than 100