Cloud-hosted Retool 3.0
Cloud-hosted Retool has been updated with the following changes. These changes will also be available in a future release of Self-hosted Retool.
- Added background and text highlight style options to the Navigation component.
- Added caching support to public queries.
- Added support for AWS IAM credentials to resources that use SSH.
- Added support for boto3, geojson, geopy, pysftp, tabulate, ffmpeg, and langchain Python libraries in Retool Workflows.
- Added support for ClickHouse and Trino to JDBC resources.
- Added support for gRPC resources.
- Added support for specifying the environment to use for webhook-triggered workflows.
- Added tab-to-select to autocomplete options in code editors.
- Added the Filter component that links to Table components for configuring filters.
- Fixed an issue where disabling Custom Collection views in Retool Mobile may not behave as expected.
- Fixed an issue where reordering hidden columns in the Table component may not behave as expected.
- Fixed an issue where testing the connection for S3 resources may fail if their configuration was imported from AWS.
- Fixed an issue where unavailable branding options may be visible.
- Fixed an issue with the Table component where mapped data may not include all evaluated options.
- Improved error messaging when attempting to use
{{ }}
values in JavaScript code. - Improved selection of autocomplete options in code editors.
- Improved the onboarding experience for new Retool organizations.
- Improved the onboarding experience of Retool Workflows.
- Improved timeout for AWS Lambda resources.
- Removed CTRL/Command+F keyboard shortcut to format code. This shortcut has been replaced with Alt/Option+Shift+F.