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Retool CLI commands

View the available CLI commands.

The CLI's top level commands include:

retool apps Interface with Retool Apps.
retool custom-component Interface with custom components.
retool db Interface with Retool DB.
retool login Log in to Retool.
retool logout Log out of Retool.
retool rpc Interface with Retool RPC.
retool scaffold Scaffold a Retool DB table, CRUD Workflow, and App.
retool signup Create a Retool account.
retool telemetry Configure CLI telemetry.
retool whoami Show the current Retool user.
retool workflows Interface with Retool Workflows.

--help Show help
--version Show version number

App commands

Use retool apps and the following flags to interact with apps.

Interface with Retool Apps.

--help Show help
--version Show version number
-c, --create Create a new app.
-t, --create-from-table Create a new app to visualize a Retool DB table.
-l, --list List folders and apps at root level. Optionally provide a folder name to list all apps in that folder. Usage: retool apps -l [folder-name]
-r, --list-recursive List all apps and folders.
-d, --delete Delete an app. Usage: retool db -d <app-name>

Custom component commands

Use retool custom-component and the following flags to interact with custom components.

Interface with custom components.

--help Show help
--version Show version number
-c, --clone Clones to the current directory.

Retool Database commands

Use retool database and the following flags to manage Retool Database tables.

Interface with Retool DB.

--help Show help
--version Show version number
-l, --list List all tables in Retool DB.
-c, --create Create a new table.
-u, --upload Upload a new table from a CSV file. Usage: retool db -u <path-to-csv>
-d, --delete Delete a table. Usage: retool db -d <table-name>
-f, --fromPostgres Create tables from a PostgreSQL database. Usage: retool db -f <postgres-connection-string>
-g, --gendata Generate data for a table interactively. Usage: retool db -g <table-name>
--gpt A modifier for gendata that uses GPT. Usage: retool db --gendata <table-name> --gpt


Use retool login to authenticate and log in to Retool.

Log in to Retool.

--help Show help
--version Show version number


Use retool logout to log out of Retool.

Log out of Retool.

--help Show help
--version Show version number

RPC commands

Use retool rpc and the following flags to interact with Retool RPC.

Interface with Retool RPC.

--help Show help
--version Show version number

Scaffold commands

Use retool scaffold and the following flags to create database tables, CRUD Workflows, and apps.

Scaffold a Retool DB table, CRUD Workflow, and App.

--help Show help
--version Show version number
-n, --name Name of table to scaffold. Usage: retool scaffold -n <table_name>
-c, --columns Column names in DB to scaffold. Usage: retool scaffold -c <col1> <col2>
-d, --delete Delete a table, Workflow and App created via scaffold. Usage: retool scaffold -d <db_name>
-f, --from-csv Create a table, Workflow and App from a CSV file. Usage: retool scaffold -f <path-to-csv>
--no-workflow Modifier to avoid generating Workflow. Usage: retool scaffold --no-workflow

Sign up

Use retool signup to create a Retool account.

Create a Retool account.

--help Show help
--version Show version number


Use retool telemetry and the following flags to enable and disable telemetry.

Configure CLI telemetry.

--help Show help
--version Show version number
-d, --disable Disable telemetry.
-e, --enable Enable telemetry.


Use retool whoami to display information about the currently logged in user.

Show the current Retool user.

--help Show help
--version Show version number
-v, --verbose Print additional debugging information.

Workflows commands

Use retool workflows to interface with Retool Workflows.

Interface with Retool Workflows.

--help Show help
--version Show version number
-l, --list List folders and workflows at root level. Optionally provide a folder name to list all workflows in that folder. Usage: retool workflows -l [folder-name]
-r, --list-recursive List all apps and workflows.
-d, --delete Delete a workflow. Usage: retool workflows -d <workflow-name>