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19 posts tagged with "Web apps"

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New version of the Tags component for web apps

We've released a new version of the Tags web component that includes many of the features available in other components. This includes:

  • Manual or mapped options for defining tags.
  • Greater customization options with per-tag settings for icon, color, and value.
  • Event handlers for click actions.

The previous version of Tags is still available as a deprecated component and any existing apps that use it will continue to do so. You must update any existing apps if you want to make use of the new version.

The new Tags component is available on Retool Cloud and the latest edge release of self-hosted Retool.

Custom product pages

Luke Wright
Software Engineer
Custom product pages

Custom product pages allow organizations on the Business plan and above to replace Retool's login, reset password, signup, and invitation claims pages with custom Retool web apps.

This feature is currently an early access beta. Contact your account manager or reach out to request access.

Custom component libraries

Custom component libraries is the new approach to building custom React components for web apps. Previously, custom components were built directly within the App IDE. With custom component libraries, you can now build components locally in your development environment, then deploy to Retool. After deploying, you can drag and drop components into apps as you would any other component.

Custom components are contained within libraries, and each library has a unique name. Custom components deployed to Retool are automatically shown in the Component Library.

Split Pane frame

Ashwin Nathan
Mobile Engineer

Split Pane is a new web app frame pattern that allows users to create a resizable and scrollable frame, with a custom width, alongside the main canvas. You can add a Split Pane frame from the Frames section, or drag it onto the canvas from the Component Tree.