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10 posts tagged with "Components"

View All Tags

New version of the Tags component for web apps

We've released a new version of the Tags web component that includes many of the features available in other components. This includes:

  • Manual or mapped options for defining tags.
  • Greater customization options with per-tag settings for icon, color, and value.
  • Event handlers for click actions.

The previous version of Tags is still available as a deprecated component and any existing apps that use it will continue to do so. You must update any existing apps if you want to make use of the new version.

The new Tags component is available on Retool Cloud and the latest edge release of self-hosted Retool.

Add new rows to the Table component

Darya Verzhbinsky
Darya Verzhbinsky
Software Engineer
Add new rows to the Table component

The new Add new row Toolbar action makes it possible to input values directly into the Table component. New rows are added to the table's changeset to save. Adding rows directly to a table provides an alternative method to using a separate Form component and input fields.

Upload images in the Table component

Darya Verzhbinsky
Darya Verzhbinsky
Software Engineer
Image uploads in the Table component

The Image column type for the Table component now supports image uploads directly to Retool Storage. Enable Allow uploading images to allow users to upload and replace images to Retool Storage.

Button column type for the Table component

Darya Verzhbinsky
Darya Verzhbinsky
Software Engineer
Button column in the Table component

The new Button column type in the Table component is now available. When enabled, column values render as a button. This allows you to add buttons to trigger actions, queries, and open links using a button.