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Retool AI

Leverage pre-built AI queries to generate content and create custom chat responses, store text as embeddings in a Retool-managed vector database, automatically write and fix queries, and connect to different AI platforms.

Leverage pre-built AI queries to generate content and create custom chat responses, store text as embeddings in a Retool-managed vector database, automatically write and fix queries, and connect to different AI platforms.

Get started

Follow a quickstart guide to get started with AI Actions and Vectors.

Write AI Actions

Pre-built actions for apps and workflows to analyze text, generate images, and more.

Store text embeddings

Store unstructured text from documents, web pages, or data sources like Slack or Confluence in a Retool-managed vector database. Vectors automatically prepares and generates data for AI usage.

Connect to AI platforms and models

Evaluate and test Retool AI using built-in OpenAI support. Use your own API credentials for OpenAI, Azure OpenAI, Anthropic, or Cohere to interact with their AI models.

Build apps and workflows faster with AI

Build apps and workflows faster with built-in AI functionality. Write and fix queries with Ask AI that's informed by your data. Automatically assemble UI components with quick actions for common implementations.