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Deprecation of YAML serialization in Source Control

Sriram Sundarraj

Retool will deprecate the use of YAML for protected apps, queries, and resources in Source Control. Support will be removed in the Q2 2025 stable release of Self-hosted Retool.

Self-hosted organizations still using YAML serialization of these elements in Source Control must migrate to Toolscript prior to upgrading.

What is Toolscript?

Toolscript is a JSX-style markup language for serializing protected apps, queries, and resources in Source Control. It was first released in Self-hosted Retool 3.6 as a replacement for YAML. Unlike its predecessor, Toolscript is designed to be human-readable.

When does this deprecation occur?

This deprecation will occur in the Q2 2025 stable release of Self-hosted Retool. The final release that supports YAML serialization of apps, queries, and resources in Source Control will be the Q1 2025 stable release.

Does my organization need to migrate?

Your organization only needs to perform the migration if it started using Source Control to protect apps, queries, or resources prior to Self-hosted Retool 3.6. Organizations that started using Source Control in Self-hosted Retool 3.6 and later already use Toolscript.

You can check if your organization still uses YAML serialization for apps, queries, and resources by inspecting the ./retool/protected-apps.yaml file in the repository used by Source Control. If the specified version is 1.0.0 then your organization must migrate. A version of 2.0.0 or greater would confirm that Toolscript is already in use.

If your organization does need to migrate, it must be performed before upgrading to the stable release in Q2 2025 or later.

How do we migrate to Toolscript?

Refer to the YAML to Toolscript migration guide for full instructions on migrating. Once you complete the migration, protected apps, queries, and resources will use Toolscript.

What will happen if we don't migrate?

YAML serialization of protected apps, queries, and resources will be removed in the Q2 2025 stable release. The final release that will support YAML serialization will be the Q1 2025 stable release.

If your organization does upgrade to the Q2 2025 stable release or later but has not migrated to Toolscript, Source Control will stop functioning. Should this occur, your organization will need to either:

  • Roll back to a previously supported release and perform the migration.
  • Deploy another instance of Self-hosted Retool using a previously supported release and perform the migration.