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Queries and code quickstart

Learn about the fundamental concepts of queries and code.

This guide serves as an introduction to queries and code in Retool. It covers many of the concepts and terminology you can expect to use when querying and transforming data, scripting behavior, and executing code. After reading this page, you should have a good understanding of the fundamentals for writing queries and code.


Web apps, mobile apps, and workflows all rely on functional code with which to operate. The code you write, language you use, and where you write it depend on the context and functionality being used.

Queries are executable blocks of code that query data, control app behavior, and other functions. Queries must be triggered to run. This can be done with app event handlers or triggered as part of code elsewhere. Some queries can run automatically, such as when a referenced input changes (e.g., a text field) or as part of a workflow.


Queries are asynchronous blocks of code that execute on-demand. These are globally scoped and can be triggered from any part of an app or workflow. Query objects have state, expose properties, and can be controlled with methods.

The data property contains the results of the last run. You either select a query or reference it's data property to use its results.

Queries can also reference other values, such as components, and write them back to the data source. Queries can also perform asynchronous actions, run simultaneously, and trigger event handlers upon success or failure.

Resource queries

A resource query is a piece of code you write to interact with a resource (i.e., an API or database) and perform CRUD operations.

Resource queries are not part of an app's user interface. Users interact with queries via components. For example, a user completes and submits a form in a customer refund app. When the form is submitted, it triggers a refundCustomer query which performs a refund API action with Stripe.

If a resource query only reads data, such as retrieving a list of customers, it can automatically run. If a resource query writes data, it must be manually run using an event handler.

The query retrieves a list of customers from a database using an SQL statement.

API resource queries

Queries for API-based resources include relevant options for making API requests. Resources for popular service integrations, (Amazon S3, Google Sheets Twilio, etc.) include a tailored set of options. This abstracts away some of the complexities of working with APIs.

Other resources, such as GraphQL-based integrations or custom APIs, include more generic options and require further knowledge of working with the API.

SQL resource queries

You interact with databases and other structured data stores using SQL. Retool provides two modes with which to interact using SQL: SQL and GUI.

  • SQL mode is for primarily for reading data from databases. You write (raw) SQL statements that retrieve matching records.
  • GUI mode is for writing and modifying data in databases. Rather than need to write an SQL statement, GUI mode queries contain options to specify what changes to make and the values to use. This method helps prevent against destructive actions that malformed SQL statements could cause, such as dropping a table or overwriting existing data with incorrect values.

Query variable spoofing prevention

To prevent a user from manipulating network requests to pass in arbitrary values to prepared statements, Retool enables query spoofing by default. This rejects network requests that refer to current_user properties (e.g., which don’t match the expected values for the user making the query. If you include additional logic in your expression (e.g., =>, query spoofing prevention is not available.

Code queries

You can write JavaScript code to control app behavior, transform data, set property values, and more. Workflows also supports Python code.

JavaScript queries are multiline blocks of JavaScript code. You can write complex JavaScript statements to perform advanced data transformations and control app behavior, such as components and other queries.

The Loop block references the getCustomers query. Its then iterates on the query results to send an email.

JavaScript example

The following JavaScript query loops through each row of the specified table ( and triggers the updateCustomer query.

Loop through table rows
var rows =;
var errors = "";
var total = rows.length;

function runQuery(i) {
// Update the Status text
Status.setValue("Progress: " + (i.toString() + "/" + total.toString()));

if (i >= rows.length) {
console.log("Finished running all queries");

console.log("Running query for row", i);

additionalScope: { i: i }, // This is where we override the `i` variable
// You can use the argument to get the data with the onSuccess function
onSuccess: function (data) {
runQuery(i + 1);
onFailure: function (error) {
// Update the Errors text
errors += "Found error at line " + i.toString() + ": " + error + "\n\n";
runQuery(i + 1);


AI actions

AI actions are queries that interact with AI models. Instead of code, you write a prompt—the instructions for the AI model to follow—and include any relevant data.

The AI action block references the getCustomers query and contains instructions to generate a Markdown table.

Analytics tracking

Retool can integrate with third-party analytics tools, such as Google Analytics and Segment. When configured, you can add Analytics tracking queries that send configured events when triggered.

Analytics tracking queries trigger on property change and can include conditional statements. When triggered, the query sends the configured payload to your connected analytics service.

The Code block executes custom Python code that extends the functionality of a workflow.

Previewing queries

When editing a query, click Preview to test out your changes with your latest edits.

Clicking Preview fully executes the code in your query. Any changes, additions, or deletions that a query makes will in reality be completed when previewing.

To be safe, Retool recommends previewing your query on non-production data. For SQL queries, Retool recommends using GUI mode to avoid making destructive changes.

Once you confirm that the query works as intended, click Save or Save & Run to finalize your changes.

Embedded expressions

Retool performs string interpolation and evaluates {{ }} embedded expressions as JavaScript. As a result, you can write JavaScript code—that evaluates and returns a value synchronously—almost anywhere. This enables you to dynamically set property values using transformations or conditional logic to build complex apps and workflows.

Explore some common JavaScript expressions using the examples below.

The Alert component's Hidden (hidden) property in the IDE uses a truthy statement that evaluates as true if the user is a member of the Sales team. Using ! at the start of the expression inverts the returned value from true to false. As a result, the alert only appears when a Sales team member is selected.

{{ !table1.selectedRow.teams.includes("Sales") }}

The alert is hidden when the statement evaluates as true.

Data transformations

While you can use JavaScript within {{ }} embedded expressions and JavaScript queries, you may need to manipulate data and implement complex logic to produce values, such as filtering or joining data sets.


A JavaScript transformer is a reusable block of JavaScript. You reference property values using embedded expressions and the results of the transformation are output on the transformer's value property using a return statement.

While similar to JavaScript queries, transformers cannot control app behavior. This is because transformers are dynamically evaluated in the same way as embedded expressions. The returned value updates whenever referenced values in the transformer change.

The Code block executes custom Python code that extends the functionality of a workflow.

Query transformations

If a query returns data in a format unsuitable for components or other elements in your app, you can directly transform a query's output. The return value of this transformation is then used wherever you access

You can also use {{ }} embedded expressions in query transformations. This can help improve app performance as certain actions, such as filtering, can be performed using JavaScript rather than repeatedly running a query. For example, the following snippet filters query data based on whether the first name of a customer matches the value of a Text Input component.

Query transformation
const filteredData = formatDataAsArray(data).filter(
obj => obj.first.includes({{ search.value }})
return filteredData;

The Code block executes custom Python code that extends the functionality of a workflow.

Preloaded code and libraries

You can specify custom code and libraries to use within apps and workflows. This extends the functionality within Retool and enables more flexibility.

You can preload custom JavaScript statements and libraries on a per-app basis or for the whole organization to extend app functionality with custom logic.

The Code block executes custom Python code that extends the functionality of a workflow.

The Code block executes custom Python code that extends the functionality of a workflow.

Built-in libraries

Retool includes its own set of JavaScript libraries and a selection of third-party ones.

Preloaded third-party libraries

Retool automatically imports the following utility libraries for use across Retool. These libraries are available for use in JavaScript queries and within {{ }} .

Lodash_A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance & extras.
Moment.jsmomentParse, validate, manipulate, and display dates and times.
UUIDuuidGenerate and validate RFC-compliant UUIDs.
NumbronumbroConvert, format, and manipulate numbers.
PapaParsePapaParse CSV data, and convert between CSV and JSON.

Temporary state

Retool apps can temporarily store data using variables, localStorage, or URL query strings.


Variables can temporarily store data for a user while the app is running. They are accessible anywhere on your app using the value property.

Each variable has an initial value you configure and methods with which to update it. The variable reverts back to the initial value the next time the user opens the app.

This variable contains an array of objects as its initial value.


localStorage is a flexible solution for temporarily storing data locally to the browser. All apps in your Retool organization have the same origin and share access to the browser's localStorage.

Since users can erase their localStorage at any time though or switch to a different browser, localStorage should not be relied upon as a persistent data store.

You can store data to the browser's localStorage.

URL query and hash strings

URL query strings are best suited for smaller pieces of information that you need to share between apps. You can append query strings to an app's URL and retrieve them using the urlparams object.

URL query and hash strings can be used to store values or sync state, such as the ID of a selected customer.