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Write webdriver tests

Learn how to write Cypress and Playwright tests against your Retool apps.

This feature is available on Retool versions 3.33+. If you have feedback, reach out to Retool Support.

Webdriver tests are a great way to ensure that your Retool app is working as expected. They can be run on your local machine, against a staging instance, or in a CI/CD pipeline against your development branch to ensure that your app is working as expected.

The instance on which to run your tests depends on your use case. Since these tests use your Retool resources, you should not run them against your production instance.

To write your tests in the same repository as your Retool app, put the tests and all webdriver setup code in a directory called user/ in the root of your repository.

Set up a testing account

Retool recommends that you configure a test account with limited permissions. Navigate to Settings > User in Retool to configure these permissions.

To use 2FA for this account, you need to use a library such as otplib at the login step.

You might want to disable SSO for this account so that it's easier for your webdriver to log in. To use SSO, you need to use a library that works with your SSO provider to log in such as the Cypress Okta library.

If you are concerned about increased costs associated with the additional test account, you can choose to run tests on an existing account.

Log in

  1. Visit the login page at <your-subdomain> to programmatically log in. For self-hosted, use <your-domain>/auth/login.
  2. Using your webdriver, find the username and password inputs by placeholder text.
  3. You may want to persist the session between tests so that you don't need to login for every test. See below for examples.
// Add Cypress Testing Library commands (
import "@testing-library/cypress/add-commands";

Cypress.Commands.add("login", (username, password) => {
() => {
cy.visit("https://<your-domain>"); // Change this to your Retool domain
cy.contains(/^Sign in$/).click();
validate() {
cy.document().its("cookie").should("contain", "xsrfToken");

Writing E2E Tests

A solid Retool E2E test generally has 3 steps:

  1. Visiting an app
  2. Querying for elements on the page and interacting with them
  3. Making assertions about the state of the app

Each of these steps map to Retool-specific code.

1. Visit an app

After setting up your webdriver and logging into your testing account, navigate to the Retool app that you want to test. We will use our User Management app as an example.


To visit a page, we pass the URL we want to visit to the webdriver-appropriate function.

describe("User Management", () => {
it("opens the app", () => {
cy.login("<your-username>", "<your-password>");

2: Query and interact with elements

Now that our app has loaded, we want to interact with it. Let's try to search for all the users with the name 'eva'.

A user management app with user tiles with basic information displayed and a search bar with &#39;eva&#39; in the top right corner.

To type into the search bar, we need to query for it.

When deciding what selectors to use to find elements, we recommend using roles in the accessibility tree (like button, textbox) combined with label text as much as possible. Code-specific inputs like data-testid should only be used when absolutely necessary.

Tests should ideally resemble how users interact with your app as much as possible. For more guidelines on what types of queries to use, see Testing Library's guidelines.

To make your testing experience smoother, we also highly recommend installing the appropriate Testing Library framework for your webdriver.

Using the element inspector, we can see that the accessibility role of the search bar is "textbox" and the name is "Label". Since the name "Label" is not very descriptive (Retool defaults to "Label" because there is no label text associated with this text input), we can also use the placeholder text "Search by name" to make our query more specific.

Search bar is highlighted in the element inspector, showing that accessibility role is &quot;textbox&quot; and accessibility name is &quot;Label&quot;

We can use these attributes to query for our search bar.

describe("User Management", () => {
it("opens the app", () => {
cy.login("<your-username>", "<your-password>");

// findByRole is only available with Cypress Testing Library (
cy.findByRole("textbox", {
name: /Label/,
placeholder: /Search by name/,

If your webdriver is timing out on element selector queries, it may be because your Retool app hasn't finished loading. It can be useful to increase the default timeout for element selector queries to ensure they are running when your Retool app fully loads.

cy.findByRole("textbox", {
name: /Label/,
placeholder: /Search by name/,
timeout: 10000,

Now that we have the search bar, we can find our users. Let's type 'eva' in our search bar.

describe("User Management", () => {
it("opens the app", () => {
cy.login("<your-username>", "<your-password>");

cy.findByRole("textbox", {
name: /Label/,
placeholder: /Search by name/,

Because of how Retool handles overflow behavior, some interactions may throw errors warning that an element is being covered by another element even when it is visible to users.

If your element is clearly visible, you can add {force: true} to these interactions to force Cypress to run.{ force: true });

3. Add assertions

Finally, we can make assertions to ensure our app is working properly. In our example, we want to check that when we search for 'eva', there are two people named Eva in the list and that they are the names we expect.

A Retool user management app with user tiles with basic information displayed and a search bar with &#39;eva&#39; in the top right corner.

But how can we select all the elements within the users list? If we go into the element inspector, we see that the each card has a title element that could be a good candidate for selection. The accessibility role is "heading" and the name is the name of each individual person.

The name text &#39;Eva Lu Ator&#39; is highlighted in the element inspector and shows accessibility role is &#39;heading&#39; and the accessibility name is &#39;Eva Lu Ator&#39;

We could write a test that queries for all the heading roles that also contain the name "Eva". We can then assert that there should be two returned elements containing the names we expect: "Eva Noyce" and "Eva Lu Ator".

This is an example of what not to do

describe("User Management", () => {
it("opens the app", () => {
cy.login("<your-username>", "<your-password>");

cy.findByRole("textbox", {
name: /Label/,
placeholder: /Search by name/,

cy.findAllByRole("heading", { name: /Eva/i })
.should("have.length", 2)
.and("contain", "Eva Noyce")
.and("contain", "Eva Lu Ator");

However, there is a big problem with this test: it passes even when the search bar doesn't work!

This is because the test is specifically designed to look for user tiles that match the query "Eva". As long as those two users are correctly displayed, the test is considered successful, regardless of any additional users shown in the list.

So how should we correctly write the assertions for this test?

We could simply find all elements with the role heading, but this requires us to filter out other heading elements, like the User Management app title. More importantly, this makes our test more brittle, because if we added another element with the heading role to our app, it would break.

Retool app with element inspector hovering over the text &quot;User Management&quot;. The element inspector shows role=&quot;heading&quot;.

The key is that we need to get the container that contains all the list elements. That way, we can query only within the container for heading roles to get the users displayed by the search.

The list container has no accessibility roles or text associated with it, so we will need to use data-testids in our query.

To find the data-testid for the container, we need to know the name of the component in the Retool editor. In our case, the component is named listView1.

User management app in Retool editor, with the list container clicked and showing &quot;listView1&quot;

Now, we can go into the element inspector and ctrl-f for our component name. We are looking for the data-testid field that corresponds to the container and contains the name of our component, which in this case is RetoolGrid:listView1.

User management app in Retool with the element inspector highlighting the container where data-testid is &quot;RetoolGrid&quot;

Data test IDs

Always use the component name defined in the Retool editor, such as RetoolGrid:myComponentName, for data-testid. This is guaranteed by Retool to be unique. Other IDs may unexpectedly break when you change your app, For example, another RetoolWidget:ListViewWidget2 data-testid is added when you add another ListView component.

Now we can use our data-testid to get the list container element, and query by role within that to assert that there are two Evas displayed with the correct names.

describe("User Management", () => {
it("opens the app", () => {
cy.login("<your-username>", "<your-password>");

cy.findByRole("textbox", {
name: /Label/,
placeholder: /Search by name/,

.should("have.length", 2)
.and("contain", "Eva Noyce")
.and("contain", "Eva Lu Ator");

Now our test works as expected!

Assertions after Retool queries

If you make assertions on your Retool app after a Retool query is expected to run (for example, the test clicks a button which runs a query to add a user to a table), you may need to add wait calls after the query to ensure it completes.

There is currently no way to programmatically await Retool query completion.

Integrating with CI

Integrating with CI allows you to run your tests automatically on pull requests or pushes to your main branch. This ensures that your app is always working as expected. You must use the same Retool instance for CI tests as you do for development.

Run tests on Retool branches

You can run tests on branches created in Retool using the following URL format: https://<your-domain><branch-name>/apps/<app-id>.

const branch = encodeURIComponent("..."); // get this from your CI environment
const baseUrl = "https://<your-domain>";
let url = `${baseUrl}/tree/${branch}/apps/testable-app`; // your app URL in the branch preview
if (branch === "main") {
url = `${baseUrl}/apps/7d2307d4-b4a2-11ee-bd77-73254f108a3d/testable-app`; // your app URL on preview mode in main

Setting up your pipeline

Your CI pipeline will need to be able to access the Retool instance you are testing against. You will need to set up your pipeline to install the appropriate webdriver and run your tests.