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Retool Database usage and limits on Retool Cloud

Learn more about data storage and limits in Retool Database for Retool Cloud organizations.

Retool Database is designed to be a convenient way to store data to use within or outside of Retool. On Retool Cloud, it provides the equivalent of a 5GB PostgreSQL instance. It is not designed to be a highly-available, scalable database service, and you should use a separate managed database provider if your use case requires these guarantees.

Retool enforces some limits on the type and amount of data you can store in Retool Database for Retool Cloud.

Data redundancy

Retool Database stores and continually backs up your data in a PostgreSQL cluster managed by our cloud provider. Retool uses multiple levels of redundancy, which include daily backups of all data. If you have any questions or would like to know more, contact Retool Support.

Staging data

Any changes you make with data in Retool Database cannot be reverted. Retool recommends using multiple environments with staging data to avoid accidental loss of data.

Data to omit from Retool Database

To guard against risk, Retool asks that you do not store protected health information (PHI), financial data, and nonpublic personal information. Although Retool does not have a legal obligation to enforce this, storing these kinds of information may not comply with your own legal or compliance obligations.

Examples of data you should not store include:

  • Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
    • Social security, driver’s license, state identification card, or passport number.
    • Racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or union membership.
    • The contents of mail, email, and text messages unless a business is the intended recipient of the communication.
    • Genetic or biometric data. Data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation.
    • Precise location information (e.g., geolocation data).
  • Financial information
    • Account login credentials, including financial account, and in combination with any required security or access code, password, or credentials that would grant access to an account.
    • Debit or credit card information, including full card details.

Please refer to our terms of service for detailed information.

Record and size limits


Retool is currently rolling out updated storage limits. Check back soon if the updated limits are not yet available to you.

On Retool Cloud, you can store up to 5GB of storage for free. To check your current storage usage, refer to the gauge in the Database editor UI. This is displayed as a dropdown to the right of the toolbar.

Check RetoolDB usage

The amount of storage space your data uses is dependent on how many records, fields, and tables you use, and the size of values. If you exceed your storage limits, reach out to Retool to request a limit increase.

Data security

Retool Databases are connected to the internet, and can be accessed using the provided connection string.

Retool's security guide provides detailed information about data storage and security for provisioned databases hosted by Retool. Within your Retool organization, you can control who has access by configuring user permissions.mdx). Table-level and row-level permissions are not yet supported.