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Self-hosted Retool 3.2

Released on July 13, 2023.

This release has been deprecated and is no longer supported.


Self-hosted Retool 3.2.10-legacy was released on .


  • Added support for GCM encryption (using the USE_GCM_ENCRYPTION environment variable) for Workflows.


Self-hosted Retool 3.2.5-legacy was released on .


  • Fixed an issue where a specific configuration caused logs to be overly verbose.


Self-hosted Retool 3.2.4-legacy was released on .


  • Removed a dependency on a deprecated third party service for user avatars.


Self-hosted Retool 3.2.3-legacy was released on .


  • Reduced size of Docker image by 50%.


Self-hosted Retool 3.2.2-legacy was released on .


  • Added an Auto height mode to Table components.
  • Added an option on the advanced settings page to opt out of the AI support bot.
  • Added an option to disable server-side preparation for Presto resources.
  • Added an option to the Table component to include all column values in changesetArray.
  • Added a one-tap Zebra DataWedge Setup flow to the in-app settings screen on Retool Mobile.
  • Added a screen in Settings to test configurations for Zebra devices for Retool Mobile.
  • Added currentRow to mapped row action fields in Table components.
  • Added Markdown support for tooltips.
  • Added more formatting options for Number, Currency, and Percent columns in Table components.
  • Added Retool Email to the reporting onboarding template for Retool Workflows.
  • Added style options to Dropdown Button components.
  • Added support for grouping rows in Table components.
  • Added syntax highlighting for matching brackets.
  • Added the ability to duplicate resources.
  • Added the option in the Inspector to set default filters on Table components.
  • Added the option to dynamically set the Row selection mode in Table components.
  • Added function examples to the autocomplete details in the code editor.
  • Added cell tooltips to the Table component.
  • Added multiline text column format to the Table component
  • Added onBlur and onFocus events to the Table component.
  • Added support for multiple row selection to the Table component.
  • Added the Search Bar component.
  • Added support for the Smart Query resource.
  • Added support for configuration variables in custom API authentication.


  • Fixed an issue related to push notifications for self-hosted deployments using Retool Managed Whitelabel Apps on iOS.
  • Fixed an issue that caused toolbar event handlers to be removed when unrelated toolbar buttons were deleted.
  • Fixed an issue where access and secret keys were not cleared out in AWS resources when the default provider was selected.
  • Fixed an issue where an additional redirect would occur when Cloud users logged in and out on their organization's subdomain.
  • Fixed an issue where an infinite spinner would show in the form generator when a schema failed to load on Retool Mobile.
  • Fixed an issue where environment query parameters were not set in the latest runtime.
  • Fixed an issue where events added from the form generator were not immediately reflected in the editor pane in Retool Mobile.
  • Fixed an issue where filtering in Table components would not appropriately filter grouped rows.
  • Fixed an issue where incorrect custom styling was applied to Filter components.
  • Fixed an issue where navigation styles were not recursively applied.
  • Fixed an issue where new variables could not be created in custom authentication.
  • Fixed an issue where number input changes in Table components were not committed.
  • Fixed an issue where occasionally Save actions could not be added to Table components.
  • Fixed an issue where OpenAPI schemas would not load for YAML spec files.
  • Fixed an issue where OpenAPI specs would not show in workflow templates.
  • Fixed an issue where Query Library queries could not be selected in apps.
  • Fixed an issue where REST API paths were sometimes incorrectly cased.
  • Fixed an issue where Retool Database settings were not able to be saved.
  • Fixed an issue where reverting to a release would occasionally fail.
  • Fixed an issue where selectedRow and selectedSourceRow properties in Table components were not updated when data changed.
  • Fixed an issue where some apps were occasionally hidden after logging in on small screens.
  • Fixed an issue where tap events did not work in preview mode on Retool Mobile.
  • Fixed an issue where the example input JSON in the Workflows start block did not accept JavaScript objects.
  • Fixed an issue with feature gating of public apps.
  • Fixed an issue where the toolbar may briefly appear when users are redirected to their specified workspaces app.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause unexpected behavior when using transformers.
  • Fixed an issue with the Table component where grouping by nested number columns could cause unexpected behavior.
  • Fixed an issue with the Table component where columns may not fill available space.
  • Fixed an issue with the Key Value component where the option to dynamically show columns may not function correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where the App editor may crash in certain situations when editing Markdown text.


  • Improved pagination in the Table component by removing server-side dependency cycles and resetting pages when they no longer exist.
  • Improved the prioritization of autocomplete results.
  • Improved the Retool logo, new and beta tags, and header on Retool home and settings pages.
  • Improved the styling of login pages using custom logos.
  • Improved the styling of reset password failure emails.
  • Improved the Text Input component to allow adornments when input is a single line.
  • Improved error messaging for requests to incorrect URL.
  • Improved color selection in the Inspector with addition of a color picker.
  • Improved the experience of the code editor.


  • Removed the Retool menu without branding option in the Customize Retool user menu settings.
Self-hosted Retool releases may include some changes that only apply to cloud-hosted organizations.