Self-hosted Retool 3.14
Released on October 6, 2023.
This release has been deprecated and is no longer supported.
Self-hosted Retool 3.14.20-legacy was released on .
- Fixed an issue with the Code Editor autocomplete and linting features.
Self-hosted Retool 3.14.18-legacy was released on .
- Fixed an OAuth replacement issue for redirects to LDP.
Self-hosted Retool 3.14.17-legacy was released on .
- Fixed an issue with the Main frame's background color when it references a color from the theme.
- Fixed an issue where the Modal frame was not positioned correctly.
Self-hosted Retool 3.14.14-legacy was released on .
- Fixed an issue with OAuth replacements.
Self-hosted Retool 3.14.12-legacy was released on .
- Fixed an issue that caused URL parameters to disappear on protected branches in viewer mode.
Self-hosted Retool 3.14.11-legacy was released on .
- Fixed an issue with toggling comments in code editors.
Self-hosted Retool 3.14.10-legacy was released on .
- Fixed an issue where Source Control commits were failing.
Self-hosted Retool 3.14.9-legacy was released on .
- Fixed an issue that removed syntax highlighting from the custom component iframe section
Self-hosted Retool 3.14.8-legacy was released on .
- Fixed an issue where the Temporal jobs runner for the Retool Vectors URL crawler would not work.
Self-hosted Retool 3.14.7-legacy was released on .
- Fixed module settings disappearing when inspector is unpinned.
Self-hosted Retool 3.14.6-legacy was released on .
- Fixed an issue where Run History is not correctly displayed in Workflows.
Self-hosted Retool 3.14.5-legacy was released on .
- Fixed an issue with drag and drop performance.
- Fixed an issue with Retool AI copy.
- Fixed the placeholder text color for editable tags.
Self-hosted Retool 3.14.4-legacy was released on .
- Fixed an issue where the Chat component was hidden.
Self-hosted Retool 3.14.1-legacy was released on .
- Added Table styling to Toolscript serialization.
- Added a Grayscale option in the Video component to support grayscale filters.
- Added a button and search bar to browse an app's queries directly from the query editor.
- Added a username field in Redis resource configurations.
- Added an Expand content to fit option to the main frame and containers. This allows a child component to take up the entire width and height of its parent.
- Added an extra-small row height option to the Table component.
- Added dynamic row background colors to the Table component.
- Added line height property to Button content.
- Added previews in the query editor for PDF and text files for Retool Storage.
- Added support for Teradata to the JDBC resource.
- Added text size property to the Link component.
- Added the ability to reference environment and configuration variables in the Service Account Key field in Google Sheets resources.
- Fixed Checkbox Group and Switch Group losing the value of conditionally hidden options.
- Fixed Compare Changes modal not being scrollable.
- Fixed Toolbar buttons being retained in Source Control even after the user deletes the toolbar itself.
- Fixed a styling issue in the App List view.
- Fixed an issue where SCIM tokens with multiple scopes were unauthorized.
- Fixed an issue where apps would crash while navigating between pages.
- Fixed an issue where links in tooltips could not be clicked.
- Fixed an issue where queries containing
would not open in the Query Library. - Fixed an issue with Toolscript serialization of summary aggregation in Table components.
- Fixed an issue with cursor jumping in NoSQL queries.
- Fixed an issue with summary aggregation calculations in the Table component.
- Fixed border hover state of input adornments, such as the number stepper.
- Fixed border of the branded header if no border color is set in the app's theme.
- Fixed border radius of box shadow for editable cell dropdowns in the Table component.
- Fixed code editor experience for object inputs.
- Fixed cursor jumping to the start of the field when editing queries.
- Fixed dropdown styles for the Navigation component when using the mobile overflow style.
- Fixed icons in State tab displaying at incorrect size.
- Fixed issue where apps and modules may be missing folders in which existing queries were in, which would result in Toolscript errors.
- Fixed issue where editors/owners of file could not delete without access to the archive/trash folder.
- Fixed nested styles for some legacy components inside containers.
- Fixed protected resources OAuth callback URL.
- Fixed row colors in the Table component when the background color has transparency.
- Fixed workflow templates in Self-hosted environments.
- Improved Toolscript migration logging by omitting uncommitted files messages.
- Improved audit logging for password resets.
- Improved error handling in the CSS editor.
- Improved guidance in Workflow block settings for run timeout error messages.
- Improved the Retool Storage UI by displaying local timestamps.
- Improved the UI of the Workflows editor.
- Improved themes by renaming the error theme color to danger to match the property exposed in the theme object.
Self-hosted Retool releases may include some changes that only apply to cloud-hosted organizations.