Retool Charter
This document provides a template for defining a charter within a center of excellence in the adoption of the Retool Platform.
Retool Charter Sample
The Retool Center of Excellence (COE) Team has been formed to help transform [Place Company/Business Unit here] internal tooling development.
Center of Excellence Goals
The Retool COE has identified the following business and technical goals that the COE will target for [Time Period here].
Business Goals- Digital transformation of [Company/Business Unit here] through the application of Retool in automating manual processes via internal tools.
- In [Time Window here] the COE is focused on helping teams deploy [Number of apps] to production.
- Collect metrics on the level of effort to build solutions in Retool versus traditional means.
- Collect metrics on the end-user processing improvement versus using manual steps, spreadsheets or other legacy technology.
- Digital transformation of [Company/Business Unit here] through the application of Retool in automating manual processes via internal tools.
- Migrate away from on-premises technology to Public Cloud / SaaS solutions.
- Demonstrate rapid integration to existing data sources (e.g. spreadsheets, on-premises databases).
- Implement and demonstrate strong security measures (e.g. authentication, authorization, privacy, auditing, etc.)
Center of Excellence Team
Business Stakeholder (e.g. CIO)
Day to day Business Owner (VP of COE)
Technical Stakeholder (e.g. Enterprise Architect)
COE Communication Channels
MS Teams: #coe-ms-teams
Slack: #coe-slack-channel
Office Hours
Location: [Enter building / office location here]
[Company here] Retool User Group
Once a month, Retool developer(s), admin(s) and architect(s) will be hosted at [Company office/location/room] where one team will present there work and answer questions from their peers.