Slider component for Retool Mobile
The Slider component for Retool Mobile enables users to select a number value with a UI slider.
Updates, changes, and improvements at Retool.
The Slider component for Retool Mobile enables users to select a number value with a UI slider.
Multipage apps contain pages to combine functionality and use cases. Standard Retool apps operate as single-page applications where all code and components is continually evaluated. Multipage apps are also supported by Retool Mobile where each screen functions as a separate page.
With multipage apps, Retool only evaluates the code and components of the page currently in view. The benefits of multipage apps include:
Each multipage app uses global and page scopes to separate pages. Globally scoped code, and Header and Sidebar frames, are available for use across every page, while each page has its own page-scoped code and components.
You can request access to the multipage app beta and explore the docs to learn more.
Retool is currently working on a new layout architecture, WidgetGrid, that significantly improves the performance of the canvas. Placement and arrangement of components, such as dragging to reposition, is up to 50% more responsive.
WidgetGrid is currently rolling out to cloud-hosted organizations as an opt-in beta and will be available in the next Edge release of self-hosted Retool. You can enable WidgetGrid from the status bar when viewing or editing an app. You can disable WidgetGrid at any time and provide feedback about any issues you experienced.
Multiplayer provides real-time collaborative editing that allows users to see what each other is working on and reflect changes as soon as they're made. It's best suited for development teams who work on different areas of an app independently.
Multiplayer is available on Retool Cloud and as a private beta for self-hosted organizations.
You can now connect your organizations to Sentry or Datadog for error monitoring. App errors will be reported with a callstack and descriptive tags when viewing and interacting with an app in preview or public (end-user) mode.