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Route users to specific apps

Learn how to use landing pages to automatically route end users to pre-specified Retool apps.

Admins can configure landing pages for specific permission groups. Users without Edit access who are members of a group with an associated landing page are automatically routed to a specific Retool app when they log in. For example, you can route all Customer Support representatives automatically to a Customer Support Retool app containing links to all the apps they might need to use.

Configure a landing page

To configure a landing page, Navigate to the Permissions settings and select the permission group you'd like to apply the landing page to. In the Additional tab, select an app under Landing page. Users in the chosen permission group are automatically directed to this app when they log in.

Configure a landing page in Settings

Landing page routing

Users with Edit access to any apps are routed to the Retool homepage when they log in, even if a landing page is set for their groups. Users who are members of multiple groups with landing pages can switch between landing pages using their profile menu in the top right hand corner of the page.

Using multiple landing pages