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Protect workflows with Source Control

Learn how to protect workflows with Source Control.

Available on:Enterprise plan

Source Control is only available to organizations on the Enterprise plan.

Source Control for workflows operates similarly to how it does for apps, but with some key differences. Keep in mind the following considerations:

  • No version history. Protected workflows do not have a versioned history and you cannot deploy a specific version. Only the latest version can be enabled or disabled.
  • Cannot be moved or renamed. Protected workflows and the folders in which they're located cannot be renamed or moved. You must unprotect workflows before making name or location changes.
  • Branchless changes. Unlike Retool apps, you do not create a branch of a workflow from which to make changes. Instead, you create a pull request from the Workflow IDE after you make changes.

Protect a workflow

You can protect a workflow with Source Control in either the Workflows tab of your organization or the Workflow IDE.

  • Workflows tab: Click ••• to open the contextual menu for the workflow you want to protect, then select Protect workflow.
  • Workflow IDE: Click ••• to open in the toolbar to open the contextual menu, then select Protect workflow.

After reviewing the confirmation modal, click Protect workflow to create a pull request. Once merged, your workflow is protected.

Making changes to a protected workflow

While protected workflows are managed using source control, you do not create a separate branch on which to make changes. You continue to use the Workflow IDE to make changes. Once you're ready, you select Open PR in the Workflow IDE to create a pull request.