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Connect a GraphQL API

Learn how to connect GraphQL APIs to Retool.

You can use the GraphQL integration to create a resource and make it available in Retool. Once complete, your users can write queries that interact with GraphQL data.


The GraphQL integration requirements depend on whether you have a cloud-hosted or self-hosted Retool organization. You may also need to make GraphQL configuration changes before creating the resource.

Sufficient user permissions to create resources

All users for Retool organizations on Free or Team plans have global Edit permissions and can add, edit, and remove resources. If your organization manages user permissions for resources, you must be a member of a group with Edit all permissions.

Allow Retool to access the data source

If the data source is behind a firewall or restricts access based on IP address, then you must ensure that your Retool organization can access it. If necessary, configure your data source to allow access from Retool's IP addresses.

CIDR IP addresses
Individual IP addresses

Retool is building support for querying firewalled resources without allowlisting Retool’s IP address. To learn more or be considered for early access, contact

GraphQL settings and authentication

You must have sufficient access and familiarity with your GraphQL data source so you can provide:

  • Required connection settings (e.g., URL and server variables).
  • Authentication credentials (e.g., API keys).

In some cases, you may need to make changes to your GraphQL configuration, such as generating authentication credentials or allowing access through a firewall. Refer to the configuration and authentication sections to learn more.

1. Configure the resource

Sign in to your Retool organization and navigate to the Resources tab. Click Create new > Resource, then select GraphQL.


Specify the name, location, and description to use for your GraphQL resource. Retool displays the resource name and type in query editors to help users identify them.

Provide the following configuration settings to create the resource. Depending on how your data source is configured, you may also need to provide optional settings for Retool to connect.

Base URL

The base URL for all requests (e.g.,

URL parameters

Additional URL parameters to include with all requests.


Additional headers to include with all requests.

Exclude default headers

Whether to exclude the default User-Agent header that identifies the request as coming from Retool.

Sanitize custom headers

Whether to sanitize additional custom headers.


Additional key-value pairs to include within the body of all requests.


Cookies to use for cookie-based APIs.

Use the pattern COOKIE_your_cookie_name in the Headers section to implement the double-cookie submit pattern.

Forward all cookies

Whether to forward all cookies.

Use self-signed certificates

Whether to allow self-signed certificates.

Disable introspection

Whether to disable introspection for APIs that do not support this feature.

Override default outbound Retool region

Retool connects to your data source from the us-west-2 region. Choosing a different outbound region can improve performance through geographic proximity.

us-west-2US West (Oregon)
eu-central-1(Frankfurt, Germany)


The GraphQL integration supports the following authentication methods. Depending on which authentication method you use, you may need to make changes to your GraphQL configuration.


Authentication is performed using an Auth0 client application. You must create this application and then provide the details.

DomainThe domain URL.
Client IDThe client ID.
Client secretThe client secret.
AudienceThe audience URL.
AWS Identity and Access Management

Authentication is performed using the provided AWS security credentials. You must be able to obtain and provide these credentials to create the resource.


The AWS region with which to connect (e.g., us-east-1). This is often part of the base URL.

us-east-1US East (N. Virginia)
us-east-2US East (Ohio)
us-west-1US West (N. California)
us-west-2US West (Oregon)
af-south-1Africa (Cape Town)
ap-east-1Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)
ap-northeast-1Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
ap-northeast-2Asia Pacific (Seoul)
ap-northeast-3Asia Pacific (Osaka)
ap-south-1Asia Pacific (Mumbai)
ap-south-2Asia Pacific (Bahrain)
ap-southeast-1Asia Pacific (Singapore)
ap-southeast-2Asia Pacific (Sydney)
ap-southeast-3Asia Pacific (Jakarta)
ap-southeast-4Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)
ca-central-1Canada (Central)
eu-central-1Europe (Frankfurt)
eu-central-2Europe (Warsaw)
eu-north-1Europe (Stockholm)
eu-south-1Europe (Milan)
eu-south-2Europe (London)
eu-west-1Europe (Ireland)
eu-west-2Europe (London)
eu-west-3Europe (Paris)
me-central-1Middle East (Bahrain)
me-south-1Middle East (Bahrain)
sa-east-1South America (São Paulo)
us-gov-east-1AWS GovCloud (US-East)
us-gov-west-1AWS GovCloud (US-West)
Access key ID

The access key ID with which to authenticate.

Secret key ID

The secret key ID with which to authenticate.

Role to assume (ARN)

A different role to use for accessing the API.


Authentication is performed using Basic HTTP authentication with a username and password. You must be able to obtain and provide these credentials to create the resource.

Bearer Token

Authentication is performed using Bearer HTTP authentication with a token. You must be able to obtain and provide these credentials to create the resource.


Authentication is performed using Digest HTTP authentication with a username and password. You must be able to obtain and provide these credentials to create the resource.

Google service account

Authenticate with a service account tied to a Google Cloud project. This method allows users to give Retool access to certain APIs or data with the service account's email address.

Retool recommends using service account authentication when you need to share credentials across users but limit Retool's access to a subset of data. This authentication flow restricts Retool's access to APIs or data shared with the service account email address only.

Refer to Google's service account documentation to learn more.

OAuth 1.0

Authentication is performed using an OAuth 1.0 client application. You must create this application and then provide the details.

Consumer keyThe consumer key with which to authenticate.
Consumer secretThe consumer secret with which to authenticate.
Access tokenThe access token with which to authenticate.
Token secretThe access token secret.
RealmThe realm to use.
Signature methodThe signature method to use. Either HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-SHA256, or PLAINTEXT.
Custom OAuth 2.0 client credentials

Authentication is performed using a custom OAuth 2.0 client app. You must create this client and then provide its credentials. Once configured, your users are redirected to to sign in and authorize Retool to access data.

OAuth apps typically require the following values during creation:

  • OAuth callback URL: The URL to which users are redirected once they have successfully signed in.
  • Scopes : The permissions granted to Retool. Each scope defines a specific set of permissions (e.g., messages:read to read messages users:write to create new users). You must ensure that any scopes defined in your OAuth app matches the scopes you specify when configuring the resource.

Once you've created an OAuth app you can obtain its credentials, such as the Client ID and Client secret. You then provide these to configure Retool for OAuth authentication.

Refer to the documentation for detailed instructions on creating an OAuth app.

Authorization URL

The URL with which to authenticate.

Access token URL

The access token URL.

Client ID

The client ID with which to authenticate.

Client secret

The client secret with which to authenticate.


Scopes govern what permissions Retool has once you connect your account authenticates. For some integrations, Retool automatically populates a set of recommended scopes to make full use of the integration. In some cases, you may need to specify the scopes for Retool to use.


The type of prompt when users authenticate.

NoneAttempt to authorize silently without using a prompt.
ConsentPrompt the user to consent.
LoginRequire the user to sign in with the provider, regardless of whether they are currently signed in.
Select accountRequire the user to select an account if they could be signed into multiple accounts.
No promptDo not display a prompt.

The OAuth 2.0 audience.

Enable an auth verification endpoint

Whether to use a custom authentication verification URL.

If enabled, you can provide an endpoint that will return a response code in the range 200-299 when the user is authenticated, and a non-2xx status code (e.g., 401 Unauthorized) when the user is not authenticated.

Skip Retool consent screen and attempt login

Whether to skip the Retool consent screen at the start of the authentication flow.

Access token lifespan

The lifespan of the access token before it expires.


Session-based authentication has been deprecated. Use an alternative authentication method, if available.

Authentication is performed using session-based authentication. You must be able to obtain and provide these credentials to create the resource.

Cookies to forwardThe cookies to forward.
Enable an auth verification endpointWhether to use a verification endpoint to determine if the user needs to authenticate.
URL to link to for logging inThe URL with which users can authenticate.

3. Test the connection

Click Test Connection to verify that Retool can successfully connect to the data source. If the test fails, check the resource settings and try again.

Testing a connection only checks whether Retool can successfully connect to the resource. It cannot check whether the provided credentials have sufficient privileges or can perform every supported action.

4. Save the resource

Click Create resource to complete the setup. You can then click either Create app to immediately start building a Retool app or Back to resources to return to the list of resources.

Wrap up

Your GraphQL resource is now ready to use. To start querying data:

  1. Add a Resource query to an app or workflow.
  2. Select the GraphQL resource from the resources dropdown.
  3. Write and run a query.