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Self-hosted Retool 3.40 Edge release notes

If you're using the Retool Helm chart, the minimum required chart version is 6.1.0.


Self-hosted Retool 3.40.0-edge was released on .


  • Added position changes to the commit diff viewer. (#42271)
  • Added the user invite ID as a parameter for the User Invite Retool Event. (#42114)
  • Added an AI Chat template for organizations with AI Actions enabled. (#41948)
  • Added the ability to position toast stacks beyond the bottom right corner (#41902)


  • Fixed an issue with code editor autocomplete and linting. (#42287)
  • Fixed an issue with component scrolling inside frames with auto height and Expand content to fit enabled. (#42277)
  • Fixed an issue where admins could set their user type to Embed, locking themselves out of their organization. (#42259)
  • Fixed an issue where frame children disappeared on mobile view when frames were renamed. (#42216)
  • Fixed an issue where app max width changes were not saved. (#42163)
  • Fixed an issue where the sidebar width would flash on page load. (#41989)
  • Fixed an issue where the table loading icon would not show while the table fetched data. (#42071)
  • Fixed an issue where the send verification button was incorrectly disabled. (#41997)
  • Fixed an issue where disabled buttons in table columns still fired event handlers. (#41913)
  • Fixed an issue which caused stale updates when modules were referenced by ID, e.g., {{ module1 }}. (#41934)
  • Fixed an issue where credentials were not saved when users logged in to the CCL support library. (#41929)
  • Fixed an issue where the Protect Query option still showed when source control was disabled. (#41915)
  • Fixed an issue where protected queries would not deploy after changes. (#41705)
  • Fixed an issue where stale data was shown in paginated list views. (#42250)
  • Fixed an issue where HTML components would open a new tab when target='_top' was included in the tag. (#42063)


  • Improved the design of the homescreen, removing feature callouts and updating the banner layout. (#41817)
Self-hosted Retool releases may include some changes that only apply to cloud-hosted organizations.