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Self-hosted Retool 3.46 Edge release notes


Self-hosted Retool 3.46.0-edge was released on .


  • Added support to display both SAML and OpenID SSO buttons if both methods are configured.
  • Added functionality to allow downloads in Custom Component.
  • Added drag and drop functionality for code folders in the Code editor.
  • Added a new tree view that allows nesting of code under containers and frames.
  • Added collapsible support to containers for mobile apps.


  • Fixed an issue where mobile apps would display a start page of 0 when using server-side pagination.
  • Fixed an issue where additionalScope would not function correctly in the Table component.
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect time calculations in workflows.
  • Fixed an issue where an app may crash if it contained multiple dependency cycles.
  • Fixed an issue where selects were breaking in popovers.
  • Fixed an issue with sidebar height calculation to use branded header height offset.
  • Fixed an error message displayed on a 403 error when testing connection for custom component libraries.
  • Fixed an issue with the line variant for Tabs component not working as expected.
  • Fixed issue with Retool AI queries on Workflows feature.
  • Fixed an issue with the contextual menu when browsing apps.
  • Fixed an issue with sidebar and inspector pinned state persistence not being saved correctly after a refresh.
  • Fixed an issue with search term filtering for Table components that have more than 10,000 rows.


  • Improved the experience of rearranging containers in the IDE.


  • Updated default width for Icon and Button components.


  • Deprecated the S3 uploader component.
  • Deprecated the Braintree card form component.
  • Deprecated the Query Builder component.
  • Deprecated the Toggle List (Feature Flag) component.
Self-hosted Retool releases may include some changes that only apply to cloud-hosted organizations.