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Self-hosted Retool 3.73 Edge release notes


Self-hosted Retool 3.73.0-edge was released on .


  • Added created_at and updated_at fields to v2/apps API. (#47422)
  • Added a PATCH /v2/resources/:resourceId endpoint to update displayName on resources. (#47391)
  • Added support for the gpt-4o-mini model. (#47396)
  • Added support for importing and exporting themes to JSON. (#47339)
  • Added support for Zebra printer in the white label manifest for SDK integrations. (#47371)
  • Added support for selecting Amazon Bedrock regions. (#47234)
  • Added support for singleScan option to pause Scanner after each scan. (#47186)
  • Added a real tab container component for mobile to improve performance. (#47155)


  • Fixed the default gap from 8 to 16 in mobile components to correct a calculation error. (#47508)
  • Fixed an issue where importing an app caused name conflicts in collapsible containers. (#47491)
  • Fixed an issue causing code search to break in the mobile app editor. (#47450)
  • Fixed an issue in the mobile editor where localStorage values were not being read. (#47440)
  • Fixed an issue where aliased webhook calls used startTrigger data due to undefined webhookName. (#47410)
  • Fixed an issue where the Add tab in the Form editor and the Explorer tab in the Theme editor were not working for non-app editors. (#47389)
  • Fixed an issue where users intermittently received a "Failed to open app" error due to incomplete prefetching of page and folder metadata in openApp. (#47343)
  • Fixed an issue on Android where Gzip was not working by sending the body as raw JSON. (#47335)
  • Fixed an issue with header frames not maintaining fixed position when scrolling. (#47320)
  • Fixed an issue where user metadata from invitations was not retained during SSO user creation. (#47312)
  • Fixed an issue where the Tags web component displayed an "item is not defined" warning. (#47298)
  • Fixed an issue with component highlighting. (#47286)
  • Fixed Undo/Redo functionality and addressed empty placeholders in frames due to rowGroup not having a default value. (#47282)
  • Fixed an issue with the alwaysShowInEditor option. (#47279)
  • Fixed an issue with the double border in the closed state of the query editor drawer. (#47294)
  • Fixed an issue where pushing commits to GitLab would fail if the branch already existed. (#47276)
  • Fixed an issue where key value fields within expandable rows received incorrect line heights in the Table component. (#47256)
  • Fixed an issue where zooming in on workflows caused the browser to zoom instead of the canvas. (#47123)
  • Fixed an issue with the Bedrock Command R response schema. (#47236)
  • Fixed an issue with the reset branch functionality for Azure Repos. (#47212)
  • Fixed an issue where SSO accounts were not automatically verified upon login. (#47061)
  • Fixed an issue with start_date and end_date requirements in usage endpoints for Public API v2. (#47223)
  • Fixed a crash issue that occurred when deleting a container view. (#47220)
  • Fixed an issue where custom component libraries were not loading properly for modules. (#47176)
  • Fixed an issue with dragging multiple components. (#47203)
  • Fixed an issue by adding an option to render custom components in quirks mode for better compatibility with legacy components. (#47190)
  • Fixed an issue where pushing commits with Azure Repos failed due to missing commit messages. (#47189)
  • Fixed an issue where components would incorrectly nest under the selected container in the insert component flow. (#47188)
  • Fixed styling for the addModule menu. (#47185)


  • Improved the Theme Editor Sidebar with visual adjustments. (#47111)
  • Improved scrolling behavior in code blocks. (#47456)
  • Improved the theme model to display font names instead of fontID for typography properties. (#47277)
  • Improved ColorInputPicker interface. (#47157)


  • Changed the default Retool AI model to gpt-4o-mini. (#47401)
Self-hosted Retool releases may include some changes that only apply to cloud-hosted organizations.