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Preview and share web apps with users

Learn how to preview and share Retool web apps with users.

You can preview web apps in view-only mode within the App IDE. Once you've completed your app, you can then share it with other users.

Preview a web app

Click the preview button in the App IDE navbar to switch to a view-only version of the app. If you use release management, you can also preview specific app versions.

You can also press Ctrl Alt Enter to toggle between Preview and Editor mode.

Share web apps with users

Click Share in the top right to access sharing options. Admins can share apps with existing users and invite new members to join. This includes setting the user's access level (use, edit, or own) for the app. Non-admins can only share apps with existing users.

You can also share a viewer link that launches your app in user mode, or use the provided IFRAME snippet to embed your Retool app in another page.