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Retool performance can be influenced by several factors including resources that are employed, query complexity and app construction to name a few. The following sections provide a variety of recommendations.

Best Practices

Performance best practices


Retool apps provide best practices identified in the resource that includes the following:

  • Investigate external factors
  • Break up large apps into smaller ones
  • Reuse Retool tabs
  • Allow for additional query overhead
  • Separate query logic to reduce round trips
  • Limit running queries on page load
  • Use query caching to your advantage
  • Share queries across your organization
  • Avoid querying large datasets
  • Minimize long dependency chains
  • Put complex logic in workflows or backends
  • Consider deploying Retool on-premise
  • Debug query performance

Use Temporary State and Local Storage


While applications are running, it may be important to store information within Retool or within the local browser. This can help reduce repeating queries or API calls, improving the customer experience. It also can be leveraged to manage session data used within an application.

Operate on data


An alternative approach towards working with data is to employ Retool Workflows ETL capabilities to asynchronously process information and store it in the Retool Database. By having a background process perform this activity, the Retool application does not have the burden to perform this processing via querying the resources and can simply consume the table for the latest information.