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Self-hosted Retool 2.70

This release has been deprecated and is no longer supported.


Self-hosted Retool 2.70.22-legacy was released on .


  • Added 20+ app edit descriptions for the history tab in Releases and history
  • Added a new page Environment Variables in Settings for debugging (Beta)
  • Added a permission group setting to grant access to the audit log for non-admins
  • Added a way to restrict which user groups can run a query via a query's Advanced tab in the query editor
  • Added ES2020 support to Retool's code linter
  • Added more defaults to MongoDB fields in the query editor
  • Added support for setting the client ID and secret for JIRA resources
  • Added text color settings to the Rich Text Editor component
  • Added the ability to automatically format JS queries
  • Added the ability to browse MongoDB collection schemas in the query editor
  • Added the ability to name Protected App branches before creating them
  • Added the ability to set a custom content-type on a S3 upload query
  • Added the returned value type to inline code evaluation previews
  • Adds links to GitHub commits in the History tab for Source Control commits.


  • Fixed a bug where we were incorrectly checking license keys for airgapped deployments
  • Fixed a memory leak issue causing unneeded query results to be retained
  • Fixed alignment of profile photos in permissions settings
  • Fixed the distanceMatrix endpoint for the Google Maps integration
  • Fixed undo/redo when renaming components


  • {{ (localStorage.values||{}).userStatus ? localStorage.values.userStatus : 'Unavailable' }}
  • Great code editing ergonomics are near and dear to our hearts at Retool. We've recently added a few improvements that make writing JavaScript in Retool just a little bit smoother.
  • Inline code evaluation previews now display the type of the returned value. This is handy for quick reference when working with properties that can accept multiple types:
  • insertMany
  • Lastly, we've improved Retool's autocomplete to properly infer JavaScript types and offer the available methods and properties, even when chained. If using inline JSDoc comments, the defined parameters will also show up the autocomplete menus.
  • main
  • Removed checkbox for toggling Source Control downward sync
  • style
  • Upgrade the Presto JDBC driver to v350; Support the source connection parameter.
Self-hosted Retool releases may include some changes that only apply to cloud-hosted organizations.