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Self-hosted Retool 2.73

This release has been deprecated and is no longer supported.


Self-hosted Retool 2.73.24-legacy was released on .


  • Added a button to the Users page for admins to download their user list as a CSV
  • Added a Front integration
  • Added a keyboard shortcut CMD + U (CTRL + U) to toggle the right panel (Inspector) open/close
  • Added a new option to Tabbed Container to preserve UI state across hidden tabs
  • Added a submit event to the Notes component
  • Added an option to customize the 'no rows found' text when a table is empty
  • Added module versioning support behind a feature flag. Contact support ( if you would like this enabled for your organization.
  • Added support for table column header to be affect by column alignment setting
  • Added the ability to copy table names from the database schema
  • Added the ability to set custom content-type on Google Cloud Storage upload query


  • Fixed an edge case where the Go to app event handler wouldn't successfully navigate
  • Fixed an edge case with the new query event handlers so that old query triggers are properly migrated
  • Fixed autocomplete so test functions are not autocompleted outside of the test editor
  • Fixed background license checks to work again
  • Fixed committing changes to apps under Source Control in large repositories
  • Fixed Folders and Apps so that they're sorted consistently
  • Fixed issue with running migrations on boot when using DATABASE_URL parameter for configuring PostgreSQL connection
  • Fixed keyboard shortcuts incorrectly triggering while using an Email input in the editor
  • Fixed overflow issues with long before/after text in Text, Number, and Password inputs
  • Fixed rendering of tooltip for app shell to also ensure there are not already any components in the header frame
  • Fixed unexpected layout shifts on some apps with multiple Text components


  • Improved performance of apps with many dynamic height components
  • Improved performance on initial render of the canvas and Container components
  • Improved the dialog when deleting multiple components to show child components that will also be deleted
  • Improved the query selection dropdown for event handlers to include the name of the resource for a given query
  • Performance is always top of mind for us. In an effort to make every app load faster, we've leveraged code splitting to reduce the size of our main Components bundle by 63%. Now, your apps only pay a performance cost for the components you use. We have several engineers focused on burning down a list of similar improvements to app performance drop us a note at if there are parts of Retool you want us to focus on!
  • query1.trigger()
  • Simplified the History modal further by removing an unneeded entry type
  • Snowflake now respects the DBCONNECTOR_QUERY_TIMEOUT_MS environment variable
  • Switching between edit and preview is now much snappier! When building an app in Retool, you'll often jump back and forth between editing your app and previewing what it looks like for your end users. We've just shipped some big performance improvements to the path:
  • Testing is now available in beta! You can add tests to increase confidence in updating and maintaining your Retool apps.
  • You can now run JavaScript with side effects directly inside of an event handler without having to create and manage a separate JavaScript Query.
Self-hosted Retool releases may include some changes that only apply to cloud-hosted organizations.