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Self-hosted Retool 2.76

This release has been deprecated and is no longer supported.


Self-hosted Retool 2.76.29-legacy was released on .


  • Added a Hide submit button option to the JSON Schema Form component
  • Added a Row Select Change event handler for the Table component
  • Added a keyboard shortcut duplicate a component on the canvas
  • Added a keyboard shortcut to show a list of all of the other built-in editor shortcuts
  • Added a new option, show top bar, to IFrame which allows you to optionally show a customizable title, and adds two actions: refresh and open in a new tab
  • Added autofill for app names when importing an app
  • Added support for freezing action button columns to the left or right of the Table component
  • Added the ability to add the currently viewed folder to your favorites list
  • Added the current page index and total number of rows to the footer of the Table component
  • Added workspaces, audit logs, and data editor to the powered by Retool menu


  • Fixed a delay with updates to dynamic height components
  • Fixed an edge case where renaming a component didn't rename references to the component
  • Fixed an edge case where Text components could be rendered at the wrong height
  • Fixed an issue preventing custom columns in a table in a module from rendering
  • Fixed automatic text color for components inside of the Header frame
  • Fixed focus, hover, and disabled styles for the clear button on input components
  • Fixed hiding RETOOL_EXPOSED environment variables in REST API query headers
  • Fixed label width default to be 40% instead of 33%
  • Fixed Listbox and Multiselect Listbox rendering with duplicate values
  • Fixed rendering of short Listbox components with labels
  • Fixed tree construction algorithm for Source Control resulting in reduced and accurate merge conflicts
  • Fixed vertical alignment of multiline labels on the Checkbox and Switch components


  • Improved the component search experience by autofocusing the search field when opening the Insert pane
  • Improved the loading state for the Table component
  • Simplified the empty state for Container components


  • Adjusted default hover and active colors for Button
  • All keyboard inputs like Text Input, Number Input, Editable Text and Number, Currency, and more. You can now optionally configure a tooltip that is visible below the input only on focus.
  • Enforced a database constraint for analytics integrations to prevent an invalid database state.
  • The Editable inputs display static text that can be edited on click. In edit mode, Editable Text has all the same powerful, new functionality of our Text Input component, including: configurable prefix/suffix text, a prefix/suffix icon, read only mode, and more. In addition, Editable Number supports the functionality of the Number Input component, including currency support, percentage formatting, and control over decimal places and padding zeros.
  • Updated AWS assume role help text to display the correct backend name
  • Updated read-only input components to hide the optional clear button
  • We've overhauled Editable Text and added a new Editable Number. Like all of our new inputs, these offer brand new configuration options, built-in and custom validation rules, and expanded style editor support. These components were also built with accessibility and data density in mind.


  • Removed an incorrect error message when selecting components in the same container
Self-hosted Retool releases may include some changes that only apply to cloud-hosted organizations.