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Updates, changes, and improvements at Retool.

A new version of the Scanner component is now available. It is a significant upgrade over the previous version, with new functionality for you to customize the scanning experience. Features include:

  • Use scan events to reference scanned items and the time between scans.
  • Detect duplicate scans.
  • Programmatically pause after each scan or set the time between scans.

The new Scanner component is available on Retool Cloud and self-hosted deployments running Retool 3.82 or later. Existing apps can continue to use the previous version, which is now deprecated.

Add a custom provider from Resources > Retool AI.

You can now connect any AI provider that adheres to the OpenAI, Anthropic, Google, or Cohere schema. This enables you to connect from a wide range of AI providers, such as Mistral, Fireworks AI, Together AI, and OpenRouter.

Organizations with increased security and compliance requirements can also configure custom AI providers if they need to route traffic through their own proxies.

Comment Thread with comments for the selected table row.

The Comment Thread component enables users to post comments and start discussions directly within your apps. All users who have access to an app that contains Comment Thread can use the component. Each user's comment appears with their name and avatar image.

When using Comment Thread, you specify a unique thread ID with which to associate comments. This can be a dynamic value so that comment threads dynamically change based on user interactions. For example, setting the thread ID to {{ }} would associate comments to whichever row is currently selected.

Comment Thread includes event handler support, action buttons, and granular control over the refresh period. Retool automatically handles comment storage and retrieval so no data source is needed.

If you're currently using the Comment component, you can switch to using Comment Thread without losing previous conversations by using the current Evaluated key value as the thread ID.

Retool released a new version of the List View component in December 2023. The previous version has continued to be available as the Legacy List View component. You can continue to use the Legacy List View component in existing apps but we recommend you switch to using the newer List View component. The newer version of List View is much more performant, has more features, and will receive updates.

Feature comparison

Learn more about the differences between Legacy List View and List View.

FeatureLegacy List ViewList View
Number of instancesSet the instances property value.Automatically generated for each array item in data.
Instance valuesReference nested values using the item index (e.g., textInput1[3].value).Nested components cannot be referenced outside of List View. For form inputs, use instanceValues instead.
Instance keysItem keys.Primary keys.
Auto-heightAutomatically grows with content.Requires a suitable maxHeight value.
Show borderYesNest the List View component within a container and use it to set the border.
Show drop shadowYesNest the List View component within a container and use it to set the drop shadow.
Styles and nested stylesYesNest a container within List View to apply styles and nested styles.

Instance keys and values

Retool recommends using primary keys, a unique identifier, to track and restore instances within the List View.

List View is virtualized and only evaluates and renders items currently visible. This significantly improves performance. However, this also means that you can no longer directly reference nested items as they may not have been evaluated yet. Instead, you can reference instance values for forms and input components.

Appearance settings

List View supports all of the same appearance settings as Legacy List View, with the following exceptions:

  • List View does not support border or drop shadow styles. Instead, nest a container within List View and configure it with a border and drop shadow.
  • A List View with a heightType of auto requires a suitable maxHeight value to maintain performance. The default is 100vh and you can specify a different value to use. You should consider using the container in which List View is nested to avoid unexpected scrollbars.

The Stack component is a container with Flexbox-like layout controls. Instead of following the standard 12-column grid layout, Stack automatically arranges nested components horizontally or vertically. You can then control the alignment and distribution of nested components and precisely adjust component size.