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The Retool Embed JS SDK is now available on npm. The SDK offers similar functionality to react-retool but enables you to more easily embed Retool apps into web applications that aren't built with React. The SDK supports both public apps and authenticated Embed apps.

Retool now supports with Amazon Bedrock and Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock. This integration enables businesses to leverage the power and security of Amazon Bedrock with the ease and speed of development on Retool to build AI applications.

For companies with strict data policies, sending data to a third-party LLM is a deal-breaker. With Amazon Bedrock, businesses can host LLMs within their VPC, ensuring compliance with their security and governance requirements. Retool customers who have adopted AWS can take advantage of all that Bedrock has to offer while keeping their data safe and secure.

Custom product pages

Custom product pages allow organizations on the Business plan and above to replace Retool's login, reset password, signup, and invitation claims pages with custom Retool web apps.

This feature is currently an early access beta. Contact your account manager or reach out to request access.