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Updates, changes, and improvements at Retool.

Retool AI* text action queries now support dynamic model selection. Clicking the Fx button next to the AI Model field in a query will display the model string in the following format: providerName::model-name, for example, openai::gpt-4o-mini. This provides the ability for users to dynamically change AI models from apps and workflows.

The App Inspector now appears when you have the Inspector open but no component selected. The App Inspector includes the following settings that were previously found in the App Settings sidebar:

  • Browser title
  • Custom URL
  • Custom shortcuts
  • Max width

The App Inspector also includes the Persist URL parameters setting, which configures search query parameters and hash parameters to persist during page navigation and when switching pages with the “Go to Page” event handler.

The directory structure for apps protected using Source Control is changing to reduce the likelihood of merge conflicts.

Component positioning information (stored in ToolScript files) is now organized by page. The apps directory contains a .positions directory, which contains one file per page in the format .pageName.positions.json.

Previously, all positioning information was stored in one .positions.json file. The new structure prevents merge conflicts.

This change is live on Retool Cloud, and it will be available in a subsequent release of Self-hosted Retool.

└── .defaults.json
└── .positions.json
└── .mobilePositions.json
└── lib
└── sqlQueryName.sql
└── jsQueryName.js
└── src
└── container1.rsx
└── functions.rsx
└── main.rsx
└── metadata.json

Retool now supports Drafts, a tab of the Apps landing page that provides a personal folder for each standard user to develop and test apps. Only you and organization admins have access to view or edit apps that you create in this section. This feature is useful for organizations where creating applications and folders is restricted, because admins don't have to give users explicit permission to create apps in their Drafts.

The availability of the Drafts tab can be managed by admins in Settings > Beta.

The Drafts tab is currently rolling out on Retool Cloud and will be available on the next edge release of self-hosted Retool.

Improvements to Debug Tools in the App IDE are now available.

This update includes the following changes and improvements to the Debug Tools:

  • New filters in the Linting tab: Errors and Accessibility.
  • New filters in the Performance tab: Severe, Moderate, and Minor.
  • In-line actions for automatic performance optimizations.
  • Actionable recommendations to the most common performance bottlenecks.
  • Links to relevant docs for further learning.
  • Removal of performance score and app stats.

Refer to the Web app and Mobile app best practices guides for more information.

Retool updated the layout of the Retool Apps landing page to reduce clutter and make it easier to find the apps you need. The updated organziation includes the following tabs:

  • Recent: The most recent 50 apps that you visited. The Viewed by me column shows the last time you opened the app, and the Location column shows you where the app is located.
  • Published: All items that you have access to within your organization. Use the dropdown to filter by Apps, Folders, Modules, and Protected.
  • Starred: The apps and folders that you starred.
  • Trash: The apps and folders in your organization that were deleted.

Retool recently discovered a bug in certain versions of self-hosted Retool that affects workflows using custom JavaScript libraries. This issue can:

  • Prevent you from adding new libraries to a workflow.
  • Cause existing workflows that use custom libraries to fail.

This issue can occur after upgrading from an earlier version of self-hosted Retool to one of following affected versions:

ChannelAffected versions
Stable3.114.1-stable to 3.114.8-stable
Edge3.114.0-edge to 3.144.0-edge

Retool has released 3.114.9 on the Stable channel which resolves the issue. The next Edge channel release will also include the bug fix.

If you have a deployment that currently runs an earlier version of self-hosted Retool, do not upgrade to an affected version.

Retool made several improvements to the usage of Source Control with Retool Workflows. The following features are now supported on Enterprise plans:

  • Branched changes. You can now make changes to workflows using branches. Previously, all Source Control changes on workflows were branchless.
  • Multi-element branching. You can make edits to workflows on the same branch as edits to apps, modules, and Query Library queries.
  • Collaborative branches. Multiple users can commit changes and merge pull requests on collaborative branches.

This change is currently rolling out on Retool Cloud and is available in private beta for self-hosted organizations.

Multi-step functions are now available as a public beta in Retool Workflows on Retool Cloud and on self-hosted organizations. They operate as self-contained workflows with optional parameters.

Multi-step functions improve the Workflows experience in several key areas:

  • Isolating complex operations with many steps.
  • Enabling nested looping, replacing the need for multiple subsequent Loop blocks operating on the same piece of data.
  • Eliminating the need to call a workflow from within another, therefore decreasing the number of billable workflow runs.
  • Enabling builders to reuse blocks of code within a single workflow.

Existing users of functions can continue using their functions as normal. Functions that were created previous to this release are now treated as single-step functions.

Retool released several changes to the Command Palette that improve the experience when using apps with multiple pages. The following new features are supported:

  • New contexts: You can now select a page or a Main frame to use as a context for your search.
  • Page actions: You can now delete, duplicate, or create new pages.
  • Improved organization: When searching for components, results are now prefixed with their page ID, making it easier to tell where each component lives.