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Self-hosted Retool 2.115

This release has been deprecated and is no longer supported.


Self-hosted Retool 2.115.15-legacy was released on .


  • Removed a dependency on a deprecated third party service for user avatars


Self-hosted Retool 2.115.14-legacy was released on .


  • Fixed a folder permissions issue


Self-hosted Retool 2.115.12-legacy was released on .


  • Fixed a security issue where backend images were susceptible to server side request forgery (SSRF).


Self-hosted Retool 2.115.11-legacy was released on .


  • Fixed the regression with using underlying AWS credentials. Now S3, Lambda, Dynamo DB & Athena will use the same underlying credentials as pre-2.111.
  • Fixed MongoDB query failure for query with large response size


Self-hosted Retool 2.115.10-legacy was released on .


  • Fixed a bug with dense row heights in the legacy Table component


Self-hosted Retool 2.115.8-legacy was released on .


  • Fixed a bug that resulted in intermittent 500 errors caused by ECONNRESET and socket hang ups when running queries


Self-hosted Retool 2.115.7-legacy was released on .


  • Added an option to Retool Mobile's Signature component to disable forced landscape mode on native devices.


Self-hosted Retool 2.115.6-legacy was released on .


  • Fixed an issue where protected resources with multiple environments could not be moved
  • Fixed issue where renaming protected apps causes the app to be unprotected for AWS Code Commit


Self-hosted Retool 2.115.5-legacy was released on .


  • Added DBCONNECTOR_AWS_SKIP_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_DYNAMODB. Set this to true if you have problems with AWS authentication for DynamoDB on ECS
  • Added DBCONNECTOR_AWS_SKIP_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_LAMBDA. Set this to true if you have problems with AWS authentication for Lambda on ECS
  • Added DBCONNECTOR_AWS_SKIP_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_S3. Set this to true if you have problems with AWS authentication for S3 on ECS


  • Fixed a regression with Default Credential Provider for S3, Lambda and DynamoDB.


Self-hosted Retool 2.115.4-legacy was released on .


  • Fixed an issue with SAML_SYNC_GROUP_CLAIMS where a user only associated with one group wouldn't sync.


Self-hosted Retool 2.115.3-legacy was released on .


  • Fixed an issue causing elevated memory consumption in the API service.


Self-hosted Retool 2.115.2-legacy was released on .


  • Fixed S3, Lambda and DynamoDB authentication for ECS


Self-hosted Retool 2.115.1-legacy was released on .


  • Added an option to show or hide all block comments in Retool Workflows.
  • Added Backspace/Delete keyboard shortcut to remove blocks in Retool Workflows.
  • Added contextual callouts for recently added blocks to the Workflow editor in Retool Workflows.
  • Added cookies support to OpenAPI resources.
  • Added SSH tunneling support to Elasticsearch resources.
  • Added support for NO_PROXY to RestAPI and GraphQL requests.
  • Added support for uploading CSV files into existing tables in Retool Database.
  • Added token management for shared or unshared OAuth resources.


  • Fixed an issue where a query's confirmation message may not appear when using the latest runtime.
  • Fixed an issue where a Retool app would crash under certain conditions when using custom URL parameters and the latest runtime.
  • Fixed an issue where clearing a form with JavaScript may not function correctly when using the new runtime.
  • Fixed an issue where custom components would not function correctly when using the latest runtime.
  • Fixed an issue where event handlers would not function correctly when using the latest runtime.
  • Fixed an issue where file input components would not function correctly when using the latest runtime.
  • Fixed an issue where initial form data may not be set when using the latest runtime.
  • Fixed an issue where links would not always open in a new tab using the latest runtime.
  • Fixed an issue where localStorage values would not be set correctly when using the latest runtime.
  • Fixed an issue where Multiselect component tags would render with excessive vertical spacing.
  • Fixed an issue where navigating between Retool apps would trigger excessive notifications in the latest runtime.
  • Fixed an issue where Navigation component event handlers would be cleared if the logo was updated.
  • Fixed an issue where previewing a query with invalid syntax would result in a 400 error.
  • Fixed an issue where some preloaded JavaScript would not funtion correrctly when using the latest runtime.
  • Fixed an issue where the Mobile Scanner component would not correctly trigger event handlers if multi-scan capture was enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where the PDF component may crash when loading certain PDF files.
  • Fixed an issue where the Wizard component would not function correctly when using the latest runtime.
  • Fixed an issue with error reporting when using the latest runtime.
  • Fixed an issue with excessive undo actions after renaming a component when using the latest runtime.


  • Improved App editor performance when renaming components.
  • Improved app reliability when switching back to the legacy runtime.
  • Improved code autocompletion for preloaded JavaScript libraries.
  • Improved connection testing and debugging for Amazon S3 resources.
  • Improved connection testing and debugging for DynamoDB resources.
  • Improved messaging when a user does not have permission to edit an app.
  • Improved messaging when enabling shared credentials for OAuth resources.
  • Improved OpenAPI resources behavior in Retool Workflows.
  • Improved performance of Query JSON with SQL queries.
  • Improved the position of tooltips when selecting icons in the App editor.
  • Improved the query editor schema browser when using Retool Database so that it always up to date.
  • Improved the results pane for blocks in Retool Workflows.
Self-hosted Retool releases may include some changes that only apply to cloud-hosted organizations.