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Self-hosted Retool 3.44 Edge release notes


Self-hosted Retool 3.44.0-edge was released on .


  • Added an outline viewer to the Run Workflow resource. (#42730)
  • Added a callout to clarify the usage of Auth0 in the Client Credentials settings. (#43261)
  • Added the option to format transformer code. (#42985)
  • Added a sidebar to the theme editor. (#42542)
  • Added options to rename and group query folders in the context menu. (#43255)
  • Added Make all columns editable and bulk operations to the Key Value component. (#43127)
  • Implemented resetInstanceValues() to the List View component. (#43011)
  • Added the Spacer mobile component. (#43101).
  • Added a popout code editor to Retool AI queries with large queries. (#43104).
  • Added support for keyboard navigation to the Key Value component. (#43063)
  • Added the option to select a demo REST API in the Get started modal. (#42997)


  • Fixed an issue where dragging frames was possible when Expand contents to fit was enabled. (#43263)
  • Fixed an issue where email and externalIdentifier did not reflect the correct user. (#43268)
  • Fixed an issue with the Classify Text AI action when using Azure Open AI. (#43264)
  • Fixed an issue with Auto-grow with content in the Text Area component. (#43234)
  • Fixed an issue where the custom app theme font family was applied to the status bar in presentation mode. (#43253)
  • Fixed an issue where removing a module may prevent an Embed app from functioning correctly. (#43241)
  • Fixed an issue where Save event may be incorrectly visible when editing the Key Value component. (#43215)
  • Fixed an issue with the Signature component in iOS Safari. (#43212)
  • Fixed an issue with the Wizard component when used with a module. (#43175)
  • Fixed an issue where apps that contain the Signature component may crash. (#43177).
  • Fixed an issue with the stepper buttons for the Number Input component. (#43147).
  • Fixed an issue where tooltips in the code editor may flicker. (#43110).
  • Fixed an issue where hidden properties may appear when using autocomplete. (#42996)
  • Fixed an issue with Retool Email messaging limits. (#43064)
  • Fixed an issue with query linting when using the VS Code plug-in. (#43069)
  • Fixed an issue with the performance of the Mobile app IDE. (#43056)
  • Fixed an issue with the new Loop block for workflows. (#43014)
  • Fixed an issue when trying to create vectors without necessary permission. (#43003)
  • Fixed an issue where the Collection View mobile component would not display all data. (#43013)


  • IDE performance improvements. (#43201)
Self-hosted Retool releases may include some changes that only apply to cloud-hosted organizations.