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Self-hosted Retool 3.56 Edge release notes


Self-hosted Retool 3.56.0-edge was released on .


  • Added support for app tests to assert that queries have been run, improving unit test capabilities. (#45137)
  • Added the option to include admin email domains during external onboarding. (#44855)
  • Added support for updating user attributes during Claim invite flow. (#45087)
  • Added keyboard shortcuts for item selection, search focus, and app/folder opening to the Apps page. (#45012)
  • Added Forms in the Create New dropdown. (#44956)
  • Added support for OpenAI's gpt-4o model. (#44904)
  • Added support for Google's gemini-1.5-flash-latest model. (#45173)
  • Added support for resizing components nested with containers that use a fixed width. (#44979)


  • Fixed an issue with utils.openApp. (#45164)
  • Fixed an issue where the Permissions settings page incorrectly displayed resource access levels for groups with universal access. (#44896)
  • Fixed an issue where sticky headers incorrectly counted hidden nodes, leading to inaccurate visibility reporting. (#45081)
  • Fixed an issue causing a 500 error in non-whitelabeled email templates due to an undefined orgDisplayName variable. (#45093)
  • Fixed interaction issues between the Omnibox and new home screen shortcuts. (#45103)
  • Fixed an issue with SCIM which could result in a 409 error on user creation. (#45005)
  • Fixed issue where protected apps were not functioning correctly in the Mobile app IDE. (#44988)
  • Fixed an issue with disabled button logic in Retool Forms. (#44928)
  • Fixed an issue where existing components showed an 'undefined' icon preview image when dragging in the grid. (#44905)
  • Fixed an issue with Retool Forms which could result in multiple submissions. (#45089)


  • Improved the performance of the SQL editor. (#45135)
  • Improved the homepage for users without edit privileges and removed items from Favorites when moved to trash. (#45045)
  • Improved accurate value display for multi-component selection in the Theme editor inspector. (#44604)
  • Improved handling of invalid SAML XML markup. (#45167)
  • Improved handling of OAuth errors. (#44700)
  • Improved performance of Debug Tools. (#44877)


  • Updated script and replaced adoptopenjdk8 with temurin@8 due to deprecation. (#44916)
  • Restrict access to the Access tokens settings to editors. (#45129)


  • Removed prettier package from the empty-app editor-mode bundle, reducing bundle size by approximately 600KB. (#44898)
  • Removed package from the location manifest to resolve build conflicts. (#45133)


  • Patched a security issue by upgrading the word-wrap dependency to version 1.2.5. (#45104)
Self-hosted Retool releases may include some changes that only apply to cloud-hosted organizations.