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Self-hosted Retool 3.82 Edge release notes


Self-hosted Retool 3.82.0-edge was released on .


  • Added support for multiple developers to have their own development revision for the same custom component library. (#48507)
  • Added the Create Document Vector AI action. (#48704)
  • Added a confirmation modal for deleting custom AI providers. (#48678)
  • Added support to increase the user name length limit to 255 characters. (#48632)
  • Added support for showing global frames in the app structure tree. (#48640)
  • Added support for autoLogin on the mobile login screen. (#48563)


  • Fixed an issue where a MongoDB resource may report minimum pool size limit errors. (#48790)
  • Fixed an issue where a new folder was created instead of renaming an existing folder. (#48796)
  • Fixed an issue where the Mobile Tab Bar did not evaluate {{ }} braces and displayed non-evaluated text. (#48717)
  • Fixed an issue with the gap property of mobile components that were hidden. (#48791)
  • Fixed unhandled promise rejections from Azure Repos configurations. (#48786)
  • Fixed an issue with the Query Library that affected streaming with custom providers. (#48766)
  • Fixed an issue where containers and modals within modules were not being properly handled. (#48752)
  • Fixed an issue where FIDO2 2FA configuration was forced in short-lived flows like resource OAuth2 despite ignore2FA flag. (#48767)
  • Fixed an issue where search results in the Table component did not update when data changed. (#48381)
  • Fixed an issue where LDAP was not working properly. (#48739)
  • Fixed an issue where custom component auto height did not handle margins correctly. (#48719)
  • Fixed an issue that disabled streaming for generate and explain JavaScript functionality in Retool AI custom providers. (#48728)
  • Fixed an issue where the startTrigger value in workflows was not formatted as JSON. (#48695)
  • Fixed misleading log message in shouldMapUtils that incorrectly displayed the element's uuid instead of the global uuid. (#48692)
  • Fixed a spelling error in logs from the ccl-support library. (#48742)
  • Fixed an issue where the sidebar and inspector would stay open on small screens during the guided tour. (#48698)
  • Fixed an issue where mobile previews for unpublished draft releases were not displaying correctly. (#48677)
  • Fixed an issue where page plugins were evaluated in the incorrect order during page switches. (#48664)
  • Fixed an issue where dragging components within global modals and drawers would incorrectly set their screen property back to page, preventing cross-page viewing. (#48687)
  • Fixed an issue in WidgetGrid to display a size indicator when resizing a widget. (#48590)
  • Fixed an issue where the Theme Editor sidebar search ignored whitespace when searching. (#48654)
  • Fixed flashing scrollbars on components that use Expand contents to fit. (#48691)
  • Fixed the tooltip for the start trigger to include schedules as well as webhooks in workflows. (#48650)
  • Fixed an issue where removing navigation items did not work in the editor without refreshing the page. (#48661)
  • Fixed an issue where typing {} in the navigation title editor caused the mobile preview to stop responding. (#48660)
  • Fixed an issue where components would not deselect when dragging over them in the App IDE. (#48593)
  • Fixed an issue where tooltips were undefined in SQL, GraphQL, and template string editors. (#48464)
  • Fixed an issue with multipage apps where the current app would appear in the list of apps to import. (#48608)
  • Fixed an issue where overlays could remain interactive in an invisible state due to a transition state error. (#48607)
  • Fixed an issue with the loop block not returning queryParamsSize and queryResponseSize, which caused the output size to be unaccounted for. (#48160)
  • Fixed an issue where the Undo keyboard shortcut did not work correctly when editing a transformer. (#48535)
  • Fixed an issue causing column resizing in the Table component to incorrectly update selected rows. (#48558)
  • Fixed support for placeholder property to accept string type in Number Input component. (#48550)
  • Fixed an issue preventing folder collapse in the Code tree of the App IDE. (#48517)
  • Fixed an issue where the pages tab for multipage apps appeared in single-page apps. (#48518)
  • Fixed an issue with ModalFrame overlay blocking canvas clicks incorrectly. (#48492)
  • Fixed an issue where new components were always added to the top of the canvas after closing the Add component modal. (#48498)
  • Fixed an issue that caused latency due to unnecessary database calls for users and userInvites. (#48430)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented upgrading the legacy Comments component to the new Comments component. (#48462)
  • Fixed an issue where the context menu displayed screen instead of page. (#48466)


  • Improved error handling and added rate limiting tests for the REPORT_APP_ERRORS workflow path. (#48480)
  • Improved the Scanner component to reset when unnecessary scans are detected, preventing false positives. (#48652)
  • Improved the dimension measuring logic of the Scanner component to better match the video's aspect ratio and set a default aspect ratio of 1.33. (#48658)
  • Improved the Color Input component to enhance focus and hover states and optimize tabbing behavior. (#48497)
  • Improved the behavior of Escape key to close all tooltips in code editors. (#48472)


  • Changed the default API version for AzureOpenAI. (#48609)
  • Changed the default event for new event handlers on file input components to parse instead of change. (#48533)


  • Patched an XSS vulnerability in the parameters of /oauth/authorize by escaping the HTML. (#48389)
Self-hosted Retool releases may include some changes that only apply to cloud-hosted organizations.