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Self-hosted Retool 3.85 Edge release notes


Self-hosted Retool 3.85.0-edge was released on .


  • Added support for selecting a Datadog site for error monitoring. (#48768)
  • Added support for global Split Pane frames in multipage apps. (#49115)
  • Added support for deleting items in the KeyValueEditor even when the editor is disabled. (#49110)
  • Added support for the chatgpt-4o-latest model. (#49097)
  • Added support for nested repeatables. (#48983)
  • Added environment variable for consumer poll duration. (#48942)
  • Added ormsModel for analyticsProviderConfigs table. (#48914)
  • Added support for drag-selection of hidden components to WidgetGrid. (#48902)
  • Added support for the directory file selection type in the File Dropzone component. (#48846)
  • Added prompt to create new permission groups in the custom SSO group mapping UI when a non-existent group name is entered. (#48795)
  • Added a warning for users when multiple tabs are open in a multi-page app. (#48761)


  • Fixed an issue causing race conditions that prevented proper rendering of custom components on canvas. (#49127)
  • Fixed text selection issue for tab buttons and app title. (#49114)
  • Fixed an issue for a deprecated model in Sentry. (#49100)
  • Fixed an issue where the selected font weight would turn blank when switching to a font family that doesn't support the previous font weight. (#49095)
  • Fixed an issue where undefined properties caused errors in Sentry logging. (#49076)
  • Fixed unhandled rejections from Azure Repos with updated error level and message for clarity. (#49074)
  • Fixed split pane hidden logic in Multipage apps to ensure hidden frames toggle correctly when clicked or navigating between pages. (#49072)
  • Fixed an issue where WidgetGrid would not render dynamically sized components correctly. (#49071)
  • Fixed an issue where long font family names took up too much space in the typography editor. (#49070)
  • Fixed an issue where log response text could not be selected in workflow blocks. (#49066)
  • Fixed an issue that scrubbed well-formed S3 presigned URLs, preventing their proper usage. (#49065)
  • Fixed an issue where placeholder content was not properly centered in certain components. (#49063)
  • Fixed an issue where large text sizes would be cut off in the Timeline component. (#49057)
  • Fixed an issue where app theme tokens did not clear properly on reset or clear. (#49052)
  • Fixed an issue with WidgetGrid where resizing the viewport could cause causing performance issues. (#49041)
  • Fixed an issue where references to workflow blocks may not be correct after renaming a block. (#49039)
  • Fixed an issue with XSRF tokens in mobile apps that may result in network request failures. (#49033)
  • Fixed an issue where components added to the Page tree were incorrectly scoped to a global frame instead of the page tree. (#49030)
  • Fixed an issue where the block body would not refresh when changing the resource with the same editor type. (#49023)
  • Fixed an issue where incorrect IDs were passed to SQL editors in the query panel, leading to scope errors. (#49016)
  • Fixed keyboard shortcut conflict between toggling the sidebar design tab and duplicating a component in the Component Tree. (#49012)
  • Fixed an issue where manual option lists in a Table component would not function correctly when combined with mapped data. (#49005)
  • Fixed an issue where double-clicking on the expander in the Tree component caused unexpected behavior. (#49003)
  • Fixed an issue with unhandled rejections from Azure Repos. (#48998)
  • Fixed an issue where clicking the alpha div in the Color Input caused it to lose focus. (#48982)
  • Fixed an issue where style color settings would not update when switching variants. (#48966)
  • Fixed an issue with the Import app as page tool in multipage apps. (#48957)
  • Fixed an issue where List View components would not render correctly when nested within containers. (#48941)
  • Fixed an issue to filter and report errors only from the default environment. (#48924)
  • Fixed an issue with WidgetGrid where drag-selecting did not correctly update the focus, affecting keyboard shortcut functionality. (#48908)
  • Fixed an issue that caused mobile apps on iOS to crash. (#48884)
  • Fixed an issue with ordering of containers after duplication in mobile apps. (#48883)
  • Fixed an issue where the WidgetGrid would not show a trigger click tag when appropriate. (#48881)
  • Fixed an issue with the Stack component that prevented nested components from being correctly hidden. (#48880)
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent custom components from rendering correctly. (#48873)
  • Fixed an issue where scrollbars may continuously appear and disappear, affecting the layout. (#48857)
  • Fixed an issue where custom components would not render until the page was resized. (#48855)
  • Fixed an issue where renaming an app caused a flash in the single-page IDE. (#48853)
  • Fixed an issue where archived apps were not filtered out from the import page dropdown. (#48849)
  • Fixed an issue where multipage functionality would not function correctly in mobile apps. (#48843)
  • Fixed an issue where proxy URLs may not work correctly for mobile apps. (#48836)
  • Fixed an issue with the gap width in mobile layouts. (#48821)
  • Fixed an issue where Base64.isValid would incorrectly decode CSV data, and window.atob would throw errors. (#48813)
  • Fixed an issue where copying and pasting components within global modals and drawers improperly applied the screen property. (#48804)
  • Fixed an issue with custom component revisions. (#48788)
  • Fixed an issue where global folders, components, and queries that share the same name would cause context menu conflicts. (#48773)
  • Fixed an issue with components disappearing when dragged out of a frame in multipage apps. (#48748)


  • Improved performance of the List View component. (#49068)
  • Improved performance of WidgetGrid. (#48985)
  • Improved user notification to alert about the need to deploy their app before seeing tasks. (#48949)
  • Improved error detection in GraphQL to handle string, null, and array values. (#48917)
  • Improved the performance of mobile apps. (#48851)
  • Improved the Python code editor experience in workflow blocks. (#48844)
  • Improved the font family style editor to support additional components. (#48758)


  • Deprecated the Comment v1 feature and fixed the scroll-to-bottom issue in the Comment Thread. (#49107)
  • Deprecated the legacy List View component. (#47805)


  • Removed the auto-unpinning behavior for IDE panels on smaller screens. (#48951)
Self-hosted Retool releases may include some changes that only apply to cloud-hosted organizations.