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Self-hosted Retool 3.75 Edge release notes


Self-hosted Retool 3.75.0-edge was released on .


  • Added error display in editor mode for custom components in public apps. (#47645)
  • Added support for auto-size in the customComponent, allowing dynamic height adjustments for improved layout management. (#47732)
  • Added a new Create Theme modal with multiple improvements to ColorInput, including better popover behavior, more accurate background colors, and an option to hide the hex hash. (#47682)
  • Added a Performance Tester screen to measure filesystem performance and network latency. (#47744)
  • Added a toggle for the mobile native app banner in Mobile Settings. (#47693)
  • Added support for different content types in SCIM for Microsoft Entra ID. (#47660)
  • Added support for the userType field in the v2/user endpoints to align with the UI. (#47545)
  • Added a JS API theme.setMode() to dynamically change app themes during a user session. (#47667)
  • Added patch resources to the OpenAPI spec. (#47675)
  • Added an RPC function to enroll organizations in the startup program, with conditions to check for prior enrollment and enterprise status. (#47670)
  • Added logging for the SSO provider after a successful login. (#47590)


  • Fixed an issue where hidden style properties appeared in the Theme Editor. (#47807)
  • Fixed an issue with the Claude max token limit. (#47840)
  • Fixed an issue with Retool Vectors URL crawling. (#47834)
  • Fixed an issue where unsupported font family controls may appear in typography editors. (#47822)
  • Fixed issues with the theme editor color picker swatches. (#47768)
  • Fixed an issue where an empty avatarSrc would overwrite the profile photo in the Comment component. (#47510)
  • Fixed an issue where the get groups/id SCIM endpoint would return 400 errors. (#47791)
  • Fixed an issue with the reset password page. (#47784)
  • Fixed an issue where the MultiSelect component would not visually update when triggered by an API. (#47758)
  • Fixed an issue that caused a 500 error in preAuthData when a custom login page does not exist. (#47764)
  • Fixed an issue where null or invalid emails could cause 500 errors in the optInExternal endpoint. (#47765)
  • Fixed the removal of # from hex values in the Theme Editor inspector and resolved color linking issues. (#47686)
  • Fixed timeoutSeconds parameter to set fetch timeout for Python execution. (#47759)
  • Fixed an issue causing page loading errors for apps accessed via public or embed UUIDs. (#47710)
  • Fixed an issue where secondary and tertiary tokens would not be hidden in the new Theme Editor if unused. (#47653)
  • Fixed an issue where switching the Navigation component to dynamic mode could cause data corruption and app serialization problems. (#47755)
  • Fixed an issue with OpenAPI config page to allow template strings in OpenAPI resource configuration. (#47617)
  • Fixed an issue where the Select component's default value updates did not capture data as a dependency. (#47646)
  • Fixed an issue where error reporting was called without a uuid for embedded and public apps. (#47690)
  • Fixed an issue where the font size was not properly applied to editable components in the editableKeyValue. (#47683)
  • Fixed test names to avoid displaying [object] object. (#47647)
  • Fixed an issue where renaming an app folder incorrectly updated page folder queries. (#47638)


  • Improved support for custom components in Spaces. (#47770)
  • Improved support for alt drag to copy and paste into stacks while maintaining height and width. (#47789)
  • Improved WidgetGrid performance by memoizing isEqual results to prevent unnecessary selector re-computation. (#47742)
  • Improved the TimelineV2 component to display all MetaEvents without hiding overlapping events. (#47747)
  • Improved handling of startDate and endDate parameters in timelines to address edge cases. (#47573)
  • Improved the Theme Editor Inspector UI by updating styling, hover behaviors, and the No user tokens message. (#47509)
  • Improved the TimelineV2 component to allow users to customize event tooltips. (#47604)


  • Changed Export Data feature to display the share modal on Android instead of downloading the file. (#47752)
Self-hosted Retool releases may include some changes that only apply to cloud-hosted organizations.