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Self-hosted Retool 3.77 Edge release notes


Self-hosted Retool 3.77.0-edge was released on .


  • Added support for returning iteration errors in Loop block metadata. (#47967)
  • Added the GET /sso/config endpoint to the public API. (#47998)
  • Added support for respecting environment configurations in AI actions. (#47948)
  • Added DELETE /sso/config endpoint to the Public API. (#47915)
  • Added support for selector in KeyValueEditor value cell with custom input. (#47892)
  • Added a context menu option to move a folder between pages and scopes. (#47836)


  • Fixed an issue where the /sso/config endpoint would return an incorrect SSO type. (#48140)
  • Fixed the issue that prevented the header select option from being enabled by default on the DateRange component. (#48102)
  • Fixed issues with importing and exporting workflows to correctly handle language configurations. (#47968)
  • Fixed an issue where S3 keys for custom component libraries did not include organizationSid and libraryUuid. (#48098)
  • Fixed an issue with data streaming for other AI platform models if OpenAI is configured with a custom baseUrl. (#48087)
  • Fixed an issue where email and password parameters were not validated in the email/password login, causing 500 errors. (#48053)
  • Fixed workflows scope for resources using the SQL editor. (#48014)
  • Fixed date accuracy and marker event issues in the Timeline component. (#47841)
  • Fixed an issue where resetting a swatch color would not update it correctly. (#47983)
  • Fixed an issue with in-app search where some nested components within Table did not appear in search results. (#47937)
  • Fixed an issue with the Table component where changes todefaultSelectedRow were not reflected if used within a Modal frame. (#47870)
  • Fixed an issue where the Comment Thread and Chat components did not scroll to the bottom correctly. (#47930)
  • Fixed an issue with the user invitation modal where user attributes would not appear if there are unsaved changes when sending an invite. (#47986)
  • Fixed an issue causing appUuidOrEmbedUuid to be undefined, resulting in 422 errors. (#47953)
  • Fixed an issue where utils.downloadPage() did not properly render the outline property. (#47607)
  • Fixed an issue where folder input did not update on folder modifying actions such as delete or rename. (#47874)
  • Fixed an issue where PATCH /api/organization/appTheme endpoint returned 500 errors due to invalid payloads. (#47898)
  • Fixed an issue with Ask AI for JavaScript queries. (#47868)
  • Fixed tooltips not displaying error messages in the WidgetGrid when a widget has an issue. (#47862)
  • Fixed an issue where grid guidelines in WidgetGrid would remain visible when tabbing away. (#47869)
  • Fixed an issue where image downloads did not work on mobile apps. (#47860)
  • Fixed an issue where the labels for nested item editors may not be visible. (#47865)
  • Fixed an issue where the merged typography editor in the theme editor would not properly update properties. (#47837)
  • Fixed an issue where a folder and query could be selected simultaneously. (#47844)
  • Fixed an issue where missing API key handling in Datadog integration caused server errors. (#47777)


  • Improved style property editing when multiple components are selected. (#48079)
  • Improved error logging of outbound emails. (#48134)
  • Improved the save and sync state for the Release tab. (#47980)
  • Improved refocus behavior on Comment and Chat submission to ensure the input is active after submission. (#47511)
  • Improved searching table formats to correctly return the number format. (#48007)
  • Improved Source Control UUID mapping behavior to reflect the organization's current state. (#47956)
  • Improved the link between Filter and Table components so that default table filters are automatically added. (#47903)
  • Improved app performance. (#47908)


  • Changed the default Navigation component preset in the Header and Sidebar frames so only one logo is set when both frames are added. (#48001)
  • Updated React Native and other dependencies for Retool Mobile. (#47626)
Self-hosted Retool releases may include some changes that only apply to cloud-hosted organizations.