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Connect to Todoist

· 4 min read

You can connect to Todoist using Retool's REST API integration and make it available as a resource. Once complete, you can write queries to interact with the Todoist API.


All users for Retool organizations on Free or Team plans have global Edit permissions and can add, edit, and remove resources. If your organization manages user permissions for resources, you must be a member of a group with Edit all permissions.

To create your Todoist resource, you need:

Todoist uses Bearer (token) authentication. You must provide an API key or access token for Retool to authorize requests. Refer to the Todoist documentation on authenticating requests to learn how to obtain an API key or access token.

If Todoist is behind a firewall, you must also allow access from Retool's IP addresses. Add these IP addresses to your firewall's allowlist before you create the resource.

1. Create a new resource

Sign in to your Retool organization and navigate to the Resources tab. Click Create new, then select Resource.

Retool can connect to almost any API or database, and has built-in integrations for popular data sources. Select the REST API integration.

2. Configure the resource

Provide the necessary details to configure the resource so Retool can connect to Todoist. Not all settings are required but refer to the Todoist documentation to learn what is needed.


These settings configure the name and location of the resource within Retool.


The name to use for the resource (e.g., Todoist).


The folder in which to save the resource.


A brief description of the resource (e.g., Customer data).


These settings configure how Retool connects to Todoist.

Base URL

The base URL for the Todoist API. This must be an absolute URL. Use

URL parameters

Key-value pairs to include as URL parameters with Todoist API requests. No additional URL parameters are required.


Key-value pairs to include as headers with Todoist API requests. Todoist uses Bearer (token) authentication which includes your API key or token as a header value. Include the following key-value pairs:

AuthorizationBearer access_token


Key-value pairs to include in the body of Todoist API requests. No additional body values are required.


Cookies to include with Todoist API requests. No cookies are required.


The method of authentication to use with Todoist. Select None. Todoist authenticates requests using the API key or token you specified as a header value.

Forward all cookies

Whether to forward all cookies. This is useful if you have dynamic cookie names.

3. Save the resource

Click Create resource to complete the setup. You can then click either Create an app to immediately start building a Retool app or Back to resources to return to the list of resources.

Wrap up

Your Todoist resource is now ready to use. You write queries to make API requests by specifying the request method and endpoint, additional parameters to include, and the request body.

To verify you can successfully interact with Todoist, write a test query to retrieve some data. The following example retrieves a list of projects.